How To Make A Water Clock: An Ancient Egyptian Time Telling Device

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Egyptians Used Water Clock To Tell Time

Did you know that ancient Egyptians used water clocks to tell time at night and sundials during the day? I learned this from my History lesson yesterday.

We thought that is so cool so we made our own version of a water clock.

Here are the materials that we used:

  • 2 water bottles (one full, one empty)
  • 2 small pipes (you can use the tube from an empty ball pen)
  • glue gun


  1. Join the 2 bottle caps using the glue gun.
  2. Poke two holes on the caps and insert the tubes. Make sure there are no gaps for the water to escape.

How the water clock works:

Using a stopwatch, check how much time it needs for all the water to flow from one bottle to another. Once you know how much time, you can already use it as a timer for your activities like exercising, games, cooking, and a lot more.

Math Time!

The bottle that we used has a volume of 330mL and it took 33 seconds for all of the water to flow to the empty bottle. Therefore, the rate at which the water flows is 10mL/second.

I hope you liked our very simple but fun experiment. Even my little sister and brother liked the water clock. We use it during our playtime. We added blue food coloring to the water to make it look nicer too!

Thank you for visiting our page! Until next time.

Kuya Roulan

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