Fiction - World of Kedra

It's been mulling around in my brain for a while now... Some of you on Hive may be familiar with My Chain Stories with @lex-zaiya, which is Mortis Custos and Sanguifex.

You might also have read some of my other fiction works on Hive, Book of Spare Lore, and Steambrutes.

But before these projects, there were a few things about my writing that actually are unknown to most and sort of known to maybe only a few. All of the above works are quick writes, mostly freewriting because it is something I write, check over for spelling, and then post on Hive.

But the truth of the matter is that I am quite a world-builder. I just have not been flexing into it for several years. While a good long bit of fiction on Hive is around 1000-1500 words per post part and often even shorter… this WORLD that I speak of has over 850,000 words written about it.

Of this amount, there is a lot of “background” work and I think the tally for “publishable content”, in other words as fiction and not bashnotes stands at around 430,000 words of story!

It is a massive project to get back into but I have had to leave it gathering dust for around 5 to 7 years now. Is it time to start pulling it out of the vaults? Dust it off and try to wrest it free from long ropes of cobwebs.

I wonder…

Well, the World of Kedra is not just a single book or even a single series. I have written short stories and collections of them. I have written a stand-alone book. I have written two books of one of the main series. But beyond that, there are preludes and sequels and series that run parallel to the rest of it.

There are over 400 named characters in the World of Kedra, many of whom have extensive biographies much the same as the main characters of the stories.

This is because I was creating a vibrant world that has so much knowledge and thought stamped into it that you could practically ask me anything about a character or faction and there would be an answer for it.

So I will leave you with a few tidbits so you can have a look for yourself and you can tell me what you think of it.

I have so many questions to myself about it: Should I post it on Hive? Should I work on it again? Should I publish it? What else could I possibly do to it?

I guess… I am not in a hurry. It has been lying there in the vaults for so long…

Thank you for reading this post.


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