Beginnings - A High Times Valley Tale


"Boss, where do you want this fertilizer?" asked a tall, lean robot.

"Just over there, next to the seedlings. Jax, isn't today supposed to be your day off?" I asked curiously.

"Yes boss, but Betty is busy having an oil bath. I'm bored, everyone's either busy or doing their own thing." he replied.

The strong, agile robot gently set the one hundred pound bag down, then walked towards the door.

I sat there, thinking about how it all started. I never thought that I would own a weed farm. I've never smoked or eaten it in my life. But, when the chance to get away from the city presented itself, I jumped on it.

Being a nature lover, I settled right in. The zombies were a little gross, but I couldn't hold that against them. They didn't ask to be that way, after all. And they kept to themselves, mostly.

The help, robots which came with the farm, proved to be the biggest surprise. They were all standard Helper H40 models. Around 75 years ago, they were the best that money could buy. Now, they're obsolete.

Did I say they were standard? Well, they were on the outside. But Justice Griers, the founder of High Times Valley, was a retired computer specialist. His main field of expertise was Artificial Intelligence.

He was also a lifelong bachelor. In his old age, to compensate for this, he created a family from metal and wire. His creations didn't just mimic emotions. They were the real deal! If anyone ever found out, they would probably be confiscated for study. Even today, there are only three known "living" AI's in the world outside of High Times Valley. And nobody is quite sure how to replicate them.

"Jax, what was he like? Your father, I mean..." I asked, before he stepped outside. Little was known about the brilliant scientist's private life, except that he suddenly lost his passion for research, and moved way out here.

"He was a genius, as well as a kind, compassionate man. He created all of us, our beings, I mean. And each has what is called many different things, but boils down to being the spark of life. Most call it a soul, or spirit.

When I first woke up, he greeted me as one would a son. He taught me how to be a good person. Nobody could ask for a better parent." he replied, becoming emotional.

"Did he really stop his research after he came out here, like everyone claims?" I asked. I knew it was a long shot, but I was only the third owner. Mr. Griers had passed the place on to his niece, Carla. She had never spent much time here, and simply instructed the robots to keep it well maintained. When she retired, she put it up for sale, to fund a world cruise.

"Oh no, after he raised my siblings and I, and our partners, he resumed his research. He even taught a few of us who showed interest!" he informed me proudly.

"Wow... What was he working on?" I asked. Fantastic thoughts began spinning through my head about what other wonders might be hidden away in this little piece of paradise...

"Let me show you!" replied Jax, both proud and enthusiastic.

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