Providential - A true story you wouldn´t believe - Chapter 1


Do you know that feeling, that you have to do something.....but can´t quite remember what?
This story is just that.
I remember being told to write it but I can´t remember what I was supposed to tell you. What I do know is that everything I am going to tell you really happened, even though it may unbelievable sometimes.

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Chapter 1

I don't remember how we got here, but there I was. She was on top of me and I looked into her eyes and realized I had never seen that stare. That look was cold, I have seen her angry before but this did not look anything like her.
It was her beautiful full naked body, it were her voluptuous hips heaving when she tried to sink her teeth into my flesh. Again and again, she was trying to scratch and bite me.

It took me a moment and another look into her eyes to realize what was going on. Her pupils were big and black. And that unrecognizable expression, there was a falsity in it that wasn't human.

I had managed to grab her hands, but the strength of this Latina of less than 1.50 meters (4.9ft) was making it difficult. I tried to keep the hands under control and fight off the attacks of the jaws using my elbows.

"Who are you?"

It looks up at me and growls, then goes back to my neck with its mouth open. I push the arms into a position that forces it to sit up straight.

"Who are you?"
The eyes spit fire, but I stay poised.

"Who are you?"
It growls, its face grimacing as it tries to free its arms from my grip to drive its nails back into my flesh. But I feel I'm still in control.

"Get out! Who are you?"
It growls louder, it's unreal how its current expression has no resemblance to Daniella's sweet face.

Then I realize I'm doing it wrong. It´s a small thing, but not insignificant.

I look deep into the black eyes and start laughing silently.

"What's your name?"

It growls even louder, for a moment it manages to free a hand from my grip and the nails pierce my epidermis. Quickly I grab the hand and push them together again in such a way that the shoulders are forced to stand up straight.

Again I look at it, the eyes black and liquid like tar that rises from the depths of the earth. Then a blob of green slime hits my eye socket and drips down the side of my face.


"In the name of light, what's your name?"
I don't shout, but my voice fills the room. It growls, grimaces, gurgles, and then hisses "Pazuzu."

"Pazuzu, get out. Pazuzu leave this body alone. Pazuzu, get out of this body!"
The name, it´s their only weakness. It gives you control over them when they take control over others. And they need to be incredibly strong to withhold it.

Her eyes roll away, her wrists go limp, and her feet shake slightly, just like when the little one tries to surface.

Then her sleepy eyes look down at me, in shock at the bleeding scratches on my arm and chest and the remains of the green blob still clinging to my skin.

"Did I do that?"

How am I going to explain this?

She knows by now that she is not the sole ruler of her body. She knows that she sometimes shares it with Cabilah, sometimes with the little one, and sometimes with a third apparition. But none of the three had ever done anything like this ever.

"It wasn't you, don't ask me what happened but this wasn't you. It called itself Pazuzu."
The look in her eyes betrayed that she knew the name.

"Don't ever say that out loud again."

Those were the last words spoken regarding this weird occurrence, she never spoke about it again.

But from that moment on, this Doubting Thomas was forever cured of the idea that man was only two-dimensional. That it was just a chemical and physical phenomenon that gave rise to life and that once death comes for you everything stops.

There went my notion that life only existed from conception until the last breath, after which there was nothing left. Nothing at all, not even eternal darkness, just an indefinable nothingness.

That misconception went in the bin together with the tissue filled with its parting gift, the tick green phlegm.

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