RE: The illusion of self

ah, Sugar, what an awesome comment on this short story of mine. Truly, I appreciate you! I love how you have applied the concept underlying the story as a metaphor for human life in general. And I think there are many times in life that we find ourselves conflicted over situations, relationships, events - and conflicted too over our responses to all the aforementioned... and perhaps a more loving acceptance of our different viewpoints that we hold within the self - of the various wranglings as we struggle to work out where we stand on issues of importance, is something that is needed. But as you said... LOVE ... let's start there... with a love for self, a love for others... a bit of compassion and humility. We are not born perfect and we don't die perfect. Between dawn and dusk... we may have glimpses of what that could be like... but we are here to learn, to grow, to do better. Acceptance of our own imperfection is not submission - it is simply awareness and awakening to its existence, and knowing that we don't have to stand and fight alone. !LUV !ALIVE

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