Shadows Of A Longing Heart

The Moon was brightening up over the ocean, casting long shadows across the water. It was a beautiful sight, one that would have taken my breath away if it were not for the fear that gripped me. For I was here to meet him, my beloved, and I did not know if he would come.

I had searched everywhere for him, but the only clue I had was a shadow on the water that I had seen from shore on the night he vanished.

It had been many months since he disappeared, sixty months since I had felt the warmth of his embrace. He had gone out to sea, chasing after some vague rumor about a treasure hidden in the depths, and never returned.

We had been separated for five years, ever since he had gone on a dangerous quest to find a rare and valuable pearl that was said to lie at the bottom of the sea. I had tried to stop him, but he was stubborn, determined to prove himself and make his fortune. I had promised to wait for him, but as the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months and five years, I began to lose hope.

And yet here I was, standing on the shore, staring out at the waves, hoping against hope that he would appear. And then, just as the Moon stood out above the horizon, I saw it. A shadow on the water moved slowly toward me. It could have been anything, a passing cloud, a school of fish, a whale, but I knew better. I knew it was him.

As the shadow drew closer, the wind swirled around me and the world went black…

For a moment, I panicked, struggling to find my bearings in the darkness. But then I remembered the reason I was here, the reason I had taken this foolish risk. I was searching for him.

I saw his face, his handsome, radiant face, gazing up at me from the depths. He was holding something in his hand, something that glittered in the fading light. It was the pearl, the one he had risked everything for.

Meanwhile, he reached out to touch me, to pull me close, but before I could, he started. He smiled at me with a spark. “My love," he said softly with a longing heart.

We embraced, clinging to each other amid the swirling currents. The wind whipped around us, and the world went black once more, but it did not matter for finding each other once more was all that matter to us.

And there, in the sand, we saw our shadow, two lovers entwined, their silhouettes cast long against the night sky. We knew that our love would last forever, like the shadows in the seawater.

Together, we swam back to shore, the beautiful moonlight glinting off the waves, our love a beacon in the darkness. And as we emerged from the water, cold and shivering but full of hope, we knew that we would never be parted again. For we had each other, and that was all we needed.

Disclaimer: All texts and pictures are my own unless otherwise stated.

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