[ Poem] STRONG

Every time we meet a problem, remember that everyone has their own problem

We struggle with our problems, other people are the same, they struggle with their problems

Stay strong
Stay brave
Facing difficulties
Facing challenges

Keep Believing if there is a strong will, there we will find the way of victory

We stay strong

Indonesia, 22 June 2022



Setiap kali kita berjumpa dengan masalah, ingatlah bahwa setiap orang memiliki masalahnya masing-masing

Kita bergumul dengan masalah kita, orang lain pun sama, mereka bergumul dengan masalah mereka

Tetaplah tegar
Tetaplah berani
Menghadapi kesulitan
Menghadapi tantangan

Tetaplah Percaya jika ada kemauan kuat, di situ kita akan menemukan jalan kemenangan

Kita tetap kuat

Indonesia, 22 Juni 2022

Poem and photo by: penyaircyber

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