Float On

For my entry to this Months Dreem-WOTW which you can see and follow the announcements post here @samsmith1971/let-the-music-touch-you it was a pretty tough choice to choose a song that "Inspires" me.

I think it is hard purely because I listen to music to fit the mood I am in and want to maintain, if I had to pick something now it would not pass Dreemport Screening which has rules against violence et al.

However, I chose Modest Mouse Float On from a long list which ranged around the same period, 14 Years ago.

A lot of my life lessons and mistakes came at that time, many firsts and definitely not last.

So between all the Sad, Discovery and Anger-filled songs is this one. It is really simple,

"And we'll all float on anyway, well"

The mirror is dirty again. Why is it always dirty? I wipe the muck away, let my hand drop by my side and just let the cloth fall. I have no reason or rhyme. I just stare.

"You look odd," I say to myself, observing all the fine lines and movements in my face. "Not so bad." I think to myself, "It is me I guess."

Tilting my head I examine my face more, blue eyes, or is that more grey these days, I can't decide. They are eyes, "Not so bad," I think to myself.

"Am I sad?" I wonder, then I wonder "How weird I ever need to speak aloud."

So I try to say something "You look sad." the words come as they slowly overcome the choking reflex that attempts to hold them down.

This makes me smile. My eyes seem to be lying to me. "Why?"

     "I am not sad, I am just quiet."

"Yes, content I might say?"


"But still sad."


"Don't worry. Me too."

I smile back at me, and my eyes agree.

Before I leave I nod at the mirror and think nothing, because we both know.

"I see you and now we go on."

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