Time And Attention - Part 1

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Ruth and Ruby were twin girls and the only children Mr. and Mrs. Oscar had. They lived happily in their duplex and were known as the Oscars. Mr. Oscar deals with electronics while Mrs. Linda Oscar owned a supermarket. It was easily noticed that they were well-to-do. Their girls were in basic 5. There was a house help to take care of them as the nature of their parent's jobs sometimes made them unavailable in the home. They had the most comfortable life anyone could ever imagine. Everything was at their beck and call even things that were not of much importance. They were cheerful, well-behaved, and brilliant. They had and did things in common.


They loved their parents so much but at a point, things started dwindling in the relationship they shared with their parents. The distance became wider than before. Their dad expanded his business, this wouldn't have been a problem for the family if he had gotten two or three trustworthy employees to assist him in handling the business as his wife advised but he had insisted that none of his workers were reliable enough to help him. He had workshops in different parts of the state they resided in and even in some other states which made him travel more often. On the other hand, Mrs. Linda had her own business she was managing and dedicated her efforts to improving its standards. The twins were finding it difficult to adjust to these new developments. Their house help named Faith also tried her best to keep them company, though most times she couldn't help matters; like when the children came back from school with a maths assignment, they didn't quite understand the question and so, were finding it hard to solve it. Faith couldn't help them out as she was born into a large poor family and as such didn't even get to see the four walls of a classroom. She was struggling with the pidgin English she uses to communicate with them, even the children find it hard most of the time to understand what she says.


It is funny to say that they lived under the same roof with their parents but yet, hardly see them. They were physically and emotionally affected by all these. To an extent, they started thinking ill of their parents and felt they didn't love them as they had thought. They felt money 💰 was more important to their parents than to them. Faith noticed this, so she tried to convince them that all their parents were doing was for their good, to make life comfortable for them, but they didn't buy the idea. They already set their minds to the fact that their parents don't care about them. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar still didn't notice this. Faith knew that if nothing was done to handle the situation, the girls might end up hating their parents. Their mum leaves early in the morning and comes home at 9:00 pm every day and by this time, the girls are already asleep.


When Mrs. Linda came back from work and had finished her dinner, Faith asked to speak with her. At first, she was angry because she had a tiresome day and needed a good night's sleep but Faith insisted so she sat down. She told her everything that has been going on. She tried her best to express herself in her pidgin English and at last managed to pass the information to her. She was stunned at hearing that. She somehow managed to get herself to the bedroom but couldn't sleep anymore. She tried calling up her husband who was in another state but his mobile was switched off.


The next morning being Saturday, she called her husband again and informed him of what was going on. He couldn't believe it but then remembered when he was talking to the girls over the phone three days earlier, he noticed they weren't all eager to talk to him but he had just waved it off as a normal attitude. He adjusted his schedule and informed his wife that he would be coming home the next day. Mrs. Linda personally went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast. Then she went to the girls' room to wake them up. They were surprised to see their mum. They asked if she wasn't going to work as usual but she said no. She had decided not to go to the supermarket till all the issues had been cleared up.

To be continued next week Friday.....

This post is in response to Dreemport challenge in collaboration with Scholar and Scribe community

Below is my Bingo card !!


I want to appreciate some of my amiable dreemers that encouraged me to participate in this fictional story. Last week , I did only Bingo card but with their motivational words, I was able to come up with this little story . Thank you @wrestlingdesires , @hopestylist , @merit.ahama and @amberkashif . You guys are amazing! I will surely visit your fictional stories tommorow to draw more knowledge from your well🤩😘👍

Thanks for reading !!!

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