Let the music touch you: Vogue or the obscurity of the premises/ Vogue o la oscuridad de los locales (ENG/ ESP)




Vogue or the obscurity of the premises

A great day to all, friends! With this post I would like to participate in the contest of @samsmith1971 and Dreemport, in which motivates us to talk about those songs that we like and put our creativity to fly.

This time I wanted to select the song Vogue, by the incredible queen of pop, Madonna. Not only because I love dance music, but also because at the time, this song, so daring for its time, became a hymn of freedom and nonchalance for a community that was looking for a way to express themselves and make themselves visible.

Turn up the volume and enjoy this 1990 piece, which was heard in every nightclub or club in the world. .

The darkness of some places

The place was full of people modeling their most bizarre and absurd outfits. Unmistakable, not only for their way of dressing and extravagant make-up, but also for their particular way of walking or standing, imitating the great models of the catwalks. Those nocturnal and clandestine beings pierced the penumbra in a halo of mystery and seduction.

She arrived with her straight, long hair, dyed red, with a lot of blush, false eyebrows and a bright wine lipstick that reminded us of the must of good wines. Her tight dress showed off her shapely figure. A living sculpture was the exact concept of her presence alone. As soon as she entered the store, all eyes turned to her. They called her Victoria because where she put the eye, she put the bullet: no one could resist her charms.



A man at the bar offered her a drink and she accepted, flirtatious, imposing and feline. The man smiled at her superlatively feminine gestures, her practiced laugh and her fluttering eyelashes that reminded him of a butterfly's fluttering. After that drink came others and others. Then came the caresses under the table, the furtive touch, the stolen kiss. Intoxicated, they got up to dance on a crowded dance floor. The music was an animal that got inside, waking up every sleeping particle. They vibrated, shuddering, feeling a snake in their body biting their flesh.

The darkness of the place allowed the man to voraciously bite Victoria's neck, his tongue made paths, his hands risked rummaging under her dress. The music deafened the moans of both, the whispers guttural, hoarse, animalistic. More than dancing, they writhed on the dance floor as if the clothes were a wall between them. Suddenly, the man took her by the hand and led her to a darker, more sordid place, smelling of sin. There they were animals in heat, expelled from paradise, tasting the honeys of all liquids.

In the early morning, before the sun rose and turned her into a statue of salt, Victoria went home. There, tired, haggard, she took off her wig, her eyelashes, her breasts. Her pale, bony, worn face was reflected in the mirror:

I'm already growing a beard, said Victoria, who was now becoming Victor.

I would like to invite @josemalavem because I know he will do an excellent job.

Let the music touch you - Dreem-WOTW S3 R3 contest.png


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Vogue o la oscuridad de los locales
El local estaba repleto de gente que modelaba sus vestimentas más estrafalarias y absurdas. Inconfundibles, no solo por su forma de vestir y maquillaje extravagante, también por su particular manera de caminar o pararse que imitaban a las grandes modelos de las pasarelas. Aquellos seres nocturnos y clandestinos traspasaban la penumbra en un halo de misterio y seducción.

Ella llegó con su cabello lacio, largo, teñido de rojo, con mucho rubor, cejas postizas y un labial vino brillante que recordaba el mosto de los buenos vinos. Su ajustado vestido dejaba ver su bien torneada figura. Una escultura viviente era el concepto exacto de su sola presencia. Inmediatamente que entró al local, todos los ojos voltearon a verla. La llamaban Victoria porque donde ponía el ojo, ponía la bala: nadie se resistía a sus encantos.

Un hombre que estaba en la barra le ofreció un trago y ella aceptó, coqueta, imponente y felina. El hombre se sonrió ante sus ademanes superlativamente femeninos, su risa practicada y su movimiento de pestañas que hacían recordar el aleteo de una mariposa. Luego de ese trago vinieron otros y otros. También vinieron las caricias por debajo de la mesa, el roce furtivo, el beso robado. Embriagados, se levantaron a bailar en una pista llena de gente. La música era un animal que se metía por dentro despertando cada partícula dormida. Vibraban, estremecidos, sintiendo una serpiente en su cuerpo que les mordía la carne.

La oscuridad del lugar permitió que el hombre mordiera voraz el cuello de Victoria, su lengua hizo caminos, sus manos se arriesgaron a hurgar debajo del vestido. La música ensordecía los gemidos de ambos, los susurros guturales, roncos, animales. Más que bailar, se estrujaban en la pista como si la ropa fuese una pared entre ellos. De repente, el hombre la tomó de la mano y la llevó a un sitio más oscuro, más sórdido, oloroso de pecado. Allí fueron animales en celo, expulsados del paraíso, saboreando las mieles de todos los líquidos.

En la madrugada, antes de que el sol saliera y la convirtiera en una estatua de sal, Victoria se fue a su casa. Allí, cansada, ojerosa, se quitó la peluca, las pestañas, los senos. Su cara pálida, huesuda, ajada, se reflejó en el espejo:

_Ya me está saliendo la barba, dijo Victoria, que ahora se convertía en Víctor.

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