Tunnels And Tea Leaves - Part 6/9 (D&D story)

Hey Everyone!

This--and the following--chapter are huge! You’ll see why. It’s the coolest thing to have a DM who cares enough to include your character’s backstory in the actual game.

Anyway. Last we saw Mary, she had been crawling for days in a Deep gnome’s tunnels. She didn’t want to sleep because of the nightmares she was having, but also because she was afraid to meet her Patron who usually spoke to her in her dreams. Then, at her lowest point, Aurum came and talked to her, and reassured her that everything was going to be all right.

Mary let herself fall asleep that night… and disappeared.

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Mary opened her eyes. She wasn't in the crowded underground campsite.

She was, in fact, in a spacious one-floor cottage. The walls and the beveled ceiling were made out of massive wooden logs. Sunlight (SUNLIGHT!!!) was pouring through the big windows and outside she could see a forest covered in snow. A doe raised its head to look at her and then continued on its way between the trees.

The air was filled with a bouquet of smell - wood, cinnamon, citrus and exotic herbs. A cauldron was burbling on the crackling fire in the fireplace. In front of it, there were two armchairs and a huge bearskin, bigger than any such beast Mary’d seen in her world.

One of the armchairs contained… a creature. It was staring at her and she instantly knew who that was. She just… didn't imagine him that way.

Her Patron had the head of an elf and the body of a small monkey, dressed in green pajamas.

"Hello, Mary," he said, "I told you I'll be seeing you again. This time, however, you're the one visiting me.” A wide smile showed his pearl white teeth. “I think it's time to talk."

Mary stood still and couldn't move her eyes from the monkey's body. It was so… distracting.

Her Patron burst into laughter. In a puff of multicolored sparks, the monkey disappeared and another form emerged in its place.

A man was sitting in the armchair now. The features on his face were elvish, with deep green eyes and fiery red hair, like a lion's mane. A crown of twigs and leaves, same as the ones on Mary's magical book, was growing out of his head and weaving around his forehead. His chest was covered with tree bark and on it, a heart-shaped blue aquamarine hung from a thin silver chain.

"Now that you're finally here, I am at your service," her Patron said. "We can talk. You can ask me anything you're wondering. And afterwards, I'm going to tell you a story."

Mary was just staring at him. She couldn't utter a word. She'd been avoiding this conversation for a bit now. What if he was disappointed? What if he was angry?

What if she was angry? He hadn’t exactly been open with her about everything that was going on.

Her Patron sighed.

"I'm going to make us some tea," he said.

Mary gasped audibly. He smiled and dimples appeared on his cheeks.

"Yes, Mary, I like tea, too."

His clothes--white shirt and grey linen trousers--shuffled when he stood up. He moved through the different pots of plants and herbs and picked some leaves, looking at Mary from time to time, as if to figure out the best combination of flavours to suit her. Then, he filled two cups with water from the cauldron, put the leaves in a metal strainer and served it to Mary and himself.

She followed his movements in an almost hypnotic state and took the cup of tea but didn't drink.

"There's pie, too," he said awkwardly.

"Who is Gillean?" Mary asked almost at the same time.

The name she'd read on the back cover of her magic book couldn't get out of her mind. What if this was another warlock before her who died awfully or got corrupted, or…

"That's me," her Patron said. "Nice to meet you."

She looked at him. He had a name! She finally knew what to call him!


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Sooo? How do you find Mary’s Patron? He’s so mysterious but we now know what he looks like! At least what he wants to be seen as. It’s so exciting!

Next time, Mary’s going to ask some questions and Gillean is going to tell her a story. Believe me, it’s a good one!

By the way, I’m thinking of having a Q&A post about Gillean and Mary soon. Our DM is going to answer some questions, too. If you have anything you want to ask about this mysterious Archfey, please leave a comment and we’ll make sure to answer it!

See you then!
Take care and be well!

Episodes of Mary Windfiddle's story come out every Monday and Friday.
(Also, here's a link to the Chapter Guide and the Glossary for the series. You're welcome!)

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