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Interlude: Mary's Letter (D&D story)

Hello, Everyone!

Do you remember the letter Mary wrote to her parents before going towards the dragon? I think that after the events of the previous chapter, it's a good time to show you what she wrote.

This is what her parents will receive if she doesn’t come home.

Dear Lilly and Bramble,

If you're reading this, I'm probably |dea| in a lot of trouble. My companions and I went deep in the tunnels below Belfast in order to save |Saami| a group of kidnapped dwarves. I'm a little afraid, but the captives are counting on us and I simply can't give up.

I want you to know I don't blame you for anything. Even if |I die| the worst happens to me, I never regretted my decision to go on an adventure. I've finally found me some friends! Their names are Bruno, and Aurum, and Paulina, and they're amazing! We did so many good things together: we protected a caravan from bandits, helped some people take care of a fire, stopped an attack in a tavern… We even saved a little goblin girl from being eaten yesterday!

I feel that for the first time in my life |I'm important| I've found something I'm good at! I hope that you're at least a little proud of me.

The only thing I regret are the words I said when we parted.

Your daughter,

P. S. Tell Leefie I love him and I miss him. I met a little boy, William, who reminded me of him… but it's not the same.
P. P. S. I love you, too.

Have you called your parents lately? You should. Don't let them wonder what's happening with you. Be like Mary - tell them that you might be dead or something 😅

Um, wait, that might not have been the best advice!

Anyway. My next post is going to be slightly different. A friend who'd been following the story said she gets confused sometimes, with all the names ot people and places. I thought a Glossary might be of some use, so that's what I'm going to post on Monday. After that, I'll make sure you learn what happened to Mary in the dragon's clutches!
See you then?

Take care and be well!

(Also, here's a link to the chapter guide. You're welcome!)