Watching My City Wake Up On A Cloudy Morning.

It's 7 am and I'm standing on my balcony, I could see my city skyline through the clouds. Although It's still early, and everything looks sleepy and dull, the air smells fresh, like rain is on the way. It's quiet, only the sounds of a few cars and the bustle of few people could be heard in the distance. Although they were still sounding muted, as if my city was slowly stretching and yawning, waking up from its slumber.

I glanced upward, catching sight of the clouds drifting lazily across the sky. They were gradually changing shape, making me wonder what stories they hold for the day. I saw the sun, it was starting to peek through the clouds, casting its glow over the streets below making everything look golden.

It felt peaceful here, away from the noise of the city below.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. A precious moment for me to enjoy the quietness, knowing that soon my city will start to come alive. But for that moment, I was just happy to watch the clouds and enjoy the cool calmness of the morning.

Gradually, I saw people starting to emerge from their homes, some heading to work, others to school, their faces telling different stories of how their night was. I made a small prayer that they all be brightened by the sun.

Now the morning is speedily progressing, the sounds of my city began rising. Noises of cars honking and buses rumbling down the streets are gradually increasing, and the people below began to talk and laugh as they went about their day.

I saw people taking a moment to stop and chat with a friend and neighbours. I saw wives kissing their husbands goodbye and kids hugging her mum's before catching the school bus. My city was gradually coming alive. A sense of energy and excitement engulfed me t as I stood there watching it all unfold. It was like watching a living, breathing organism waking up from a long sleep. And I felt like a part of it, a living, breathing organism, complex but a vital part of an ecosystem.

Right then, it hit me hard: my city wasn't just a spot to exist. It was a spot where life's beat could be sensed and cherished, if you bothered to notice. My city with me and everyone else in it is a tiny but crucial piece in this huge, tangled system called Earth.

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