Somos || We are ✨ Poema | Poem


Saludos comunidad, Scholar and Scribe.


Somos amor que invade los sentidos,
huellas tangibles de anhelos voraces.
Fuimos desiertos que hoy vibran floridos,
firmamentos se cruzan sin disfraces.
Los sentimientos abundan hoy urgidos,
secretos renacen, danzan vivaces.
Ya no hay tristezas, ellas se confinan,
y las ilusiones se diseminan.

Somos embrujos de risas melosas,
palpitar de sangre, soplos pilotan.
Destellos de caricias deliciosas,
alegrías del existir rebrotan.
Seducciones se vuelven deseosas,
desvelos amorosos alborotan.
Se dilapidan los yerros descuidos,
se marchitan con afán los olvidos.

Somos existencia de grata entrega,
conjuro de éxtasis en sortilegio.
Almíbar de besos que todo anega,
afanes cortejan con privilegio.
Refulgencia de deleite que ciega,
pócima de luna de amor egregio.
Nada nos falta porque nada somos,
nos amamos de nada, nada somos.

Gracias por su visita


Greetings community, Scholar and Scribe.

We are

We are love that invades the senses,
tangible traces of voracious yearnings.
We were deserts that today vibrate in bloom,
firmaments cross each other without disguises.
Sentiments abound today, urgent,
secrets are reborn, they dance lively.
There are no more sadnesses they are confined,
and illusions are scattered.

We are spells of honeyed laughter,
throbbing blood, puffs explode.
Sparkle of delicious caresses,
the joys of existence gush.
Seductions become desires,
the sleeplessness of love is agitated.
Carelessness is squandered,
forgetfulness withers with eagerness.

We are existence of pleasurable surrender,
spell of ecstasy in sortilege.
Syrup of kisses that floods everything,
a privileged courtship of longing.
Refulgence of delight that blinds,
lunar potion of egregious love.
We lack nothing because we are nothing
we love ourselves of nothing, we are nothing.

Thank you for your visit

Respected reader: this poetic composition (royal octave) was originally conceived in my mother tongue, Spanish. Occasionally, when translated into another language, variations in rhythm and metrical scheme occur, which could modify the original poetic structure. It was used for the translation of this poem


Imágenes generadas por @marilour usando el software Leonardo.
10 de Diciembre de 2023.

Images generated by @marilour using Leonardo software.
December 10, 2023.

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