The Heirloom III

Photo by p2722754 edited with Canva


Aunt Clara couldn't believe I was out job-hunting immediately after my grandfather's funeral. Either this or I fall into depression.

"Alex, I know how much he meant to you. It's okay to mourn him for a few more days or weeks," she said.

"You don't understand, Aunty. I'll go crazy and lose my mind if I don't find a job and get busy."

She offered a small loan to keep myself together until I got a positive response from the IT companies I'd applied to.

I turned the offer down. Grandfather wouldn't like that. He raised me to be independent and I wanted to honour his memory.

Then I saw fliers of a new fancy diner —the vacancy was for a cook and cleaner.

Jeez, what did I know about cooking? Zilch.

But I could clean and wait tables. I had to start somewhere.

I pushed open the glass door to Chris Burgers & Fries. The interior was neat and clean and the aroma of burgers and fried meat permeated the whole place. My mouth watered instantly and my stomach growled.

The receptionist directed me to sit with two older women. I guess they came for the cook position.

A tall young man, likely in his early thirties, with an air of confidence and charm, came out of an office holding a clipboard.

He looked at the three of us and then held my stare. "You. Yes, you. Come with me," he pointed to me.

I was momentarily confused.

I stood, glanced back at the other two women who gave me angry stares and ran after the young man.

"Um, I think there's been a mistake," I started to say when I entered the young man's office.

He turned abruptly and I almost bumped into him. That was when I got a good look at him. He had such beautiful, piercing blue eyes that pulled me in.

I was awestruck by his beauty. His dark, curly hair fell across his forehead and framed his symmetrical face. He flashed me a lopsided smile to indicate I was staring.

I blushed.

"There's no mistake. You are a cook, right?" He asked.

"No! That's what I was trying to tell you. I came for the cleaner's job. I can also wait tables."

The young man gawked at me from head to toe. "Nope. You'll do just fine as our cook. I'm Adam Enfield, manager of this place."

His eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief and I almost turned down the offer but I needed the money.

"I'm not sure how this will work…"

"I'll teach you to cook, don't worry about it," Adam said. "Here. Sign these papers and you can start tomorrow."

"Just like that?"

He nodded with a wink. "Just like that."

I gave him a sceptical look. He grinned, flashing a fine set of white teeth and handed me the papers.

Grandfather, what have I gotten myself into? I hope this works out.

To be continued….

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