Change's Pain: A Heart Brave And True


That change is a constant ache,
A gnawing feeling that won't let me be.
It grips my heart and twists my gut like a snake
That coils inside of me.

I try to shake it off and make it flee,
But it persists, a stubborn ache.
It whispers lies of failure and makes me see
A future dark and dismal, full of grief.

I want to scream and rail against this grief,
To rage against the cause that won't release.
But words are weak and futile, all belief
In positive change is gone, a dying breeze.

Unexpected, it comes like a rushing breeze,
A force so powerful and knocks me down.
As I lay there, feeling like a breeze,
The pain creeps up and I wear a frown.


I try to rise, to shake off this frown,
This pain, but every effort is bitter grief.
So I sit and let the change run down,
And let the pain be my relief.

As the days and weeks and months go by,
The pain of change must fade away.
I remember time heals wounds, and the sigh
Of memories of yesterday.

And so I stand, and face the change of yesterday,
With strength regained by day,
And hope born anew.
I'll rise again with a heart that's brave and true!

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