Curse of The Black Water

generated with dreamlike art ai.

Zara roused with a surge of fear that ran through the bone in her back. She heard the sound of thunder reverberating and her bedroom shook. The windows jammed and the door creaked from the wind blowing outside. Bringing up the oil in her lantern, she sat up on her bed pondering about the vision she just had.

Zara could not wait for the sun to rise. At the sound of the first crow, she hurriedly dressed up and began to make her way down to the forest path.

The people of Tauruk were early birds. At sunrise, the farmers and traders could be seen on their way as the hunters returned with their juicy catch. Women and children nestled in their respective homes cleaning and getting the meals of the day ready.

As she sauntered down, occasionally nodding and returning pleasantries, Zara could not get the scenes of her vision off her head. She was used to frightening prophecies and predictions but none shook her like the one she just had.

Zara saw a faceless man bolting from the forest that surrounded their little village. Immediately, darkness loomed over the sky and covered Tauruk in total darkness. The ominous vision made Zara uneasy. As she neared the forest, she could see a small group of people in commotion.

“Thank goodness you are here Zara. This is strange. We don't know what happened here.” An elderly woman from the group caught up with Zara.

The crowd parted open to make way for her. She was now between the people standing in awe as they gaped at the strange footprints leading away from the forest and into the village.

Zara knelt to feel the black tough imprints that appeared glued to the sand. She closed her eyes and jerked before falling into a short trance.

In another vision, Zara saw a tall tree with gnarled branches and deep roots pulsating in black shimmering water. Its leaves and branches shook violently as a faceless man swam out of its black water. Silence ensued and when she roused, her lips parted. “Someone has unleashed a curse from a tree deep in the forbidden forest. Tauruk will be doomed if we do not avert this curse.”

The people’s gentle whispers soon turned into confusion and fear. Zara stood up and began to walk away.

“What do we do now Zara?” The elderly woman followed Zara.

“The answer lies with the curse I believe, Nnago.” Zara’s voice sounded firm.

“Zara, you can't go in there. That forest is evil and forbidden. You may be the seer of Tauruk but I swore to your mother that I will take care of you.” Nnago stood in front of Zara with a worried look and stopped her abruptly.

At sixteen, Zara became the youngest seer to ever lead Tauruk after her mother, Leleti passed from a very short illness. Zara felt overwhelmed carrying the safety of Tauruk on her frail shoulders but with time, she embodied the role much like her mother did. The people of Tauruk grew to rely on her judgment and wisdom. Leleti made her best friend, Nnago promise to take care of her daughter. “She may become your seer but she is still a child. Please love her as you would yours,” she had said.

A few hours later, the sun mysteriously disappeared and a mass of black clouds covered the sky. The village was now bathed in darkness and an ominous presence was felt deep within. Hundreds of black vultures began hovering above Tauruk. Tauruk knew vultures as a bad omen that signified death. In no time, the children started coming down with fevers.

Tauruk was now in a state of disarray as the villagers ran around in confusion. Some of them assembled in front of Zara’s hut for answers.

“Stay calm my people, the gods will avert this impending doom.” Looking up at the sky, Zara closed her eyes and uttered a few words. “The vultures will not come any closer now.” She had cast a spell to hold the vultures back. She made her way to leave. “The spell will not last and we have no time. I have to do this for the people. Take care and may the gods be with you,” she whispered into Nnago’s ears.

Zara raced into the forest without looking back. She shunned the whispers and giggles of evil lurking in there. Ignoring the swamp, twigs, and vines, Zara let her vision guide her to a very tall tree that stood magnificent in a circled clearing. The air around it was stiff and Zara felt dazed. She mustered all the spirit in her and stood firm in front of the enigmatic tree.

Soon, a violent wind that sent Zara to the ground bellowed across the forest. Zara stood back up and faced the tree with the last drop of bravery in her. “You must stop the vultures before they destroy Tauruk. Please.” Zara’s voice was defeated by the sound of the bellowing wind.

The tree began to contort its branches and like a mirage, it took the form of a woman. She waved a branch and the bellowing stopped. “One of you took something of mine. Now, you must deal with the curse.” Her voice came like echoes from a distance. She pointed at the black footprints that led away from her roots.

“My people are innocent. The children will die. Please stop it. Have mercy.” A tear ran down Zara’s cheek.

“The tree contorted herself until she was low enough to touch Zara. She sniffed her breath. “Hmmh!” She paused. “You are pure, my vultures are hungry, and Alara is merciful. Go now but let the vultures in. The darkness feeds their soul.” She stretched herself back into position.

“But the vultures are a dark bad o…”

“Go now!” Alara waved a branch again and the bellowing continued. “Remember, it is one of your own that took from me. You owe me now.”

Zara with all her might ran back to the village. She found that her people were on the verge of losing hope. The sky grew darker and even the adults were now falling sick.

Zara closed her eyes and uttered some words. This time, she released the spell. She wasn't sure if she could trust Alara but she did. “How could these creatures that threatened their existence be the solution?” She thought.

The villagers watched as the vultures began to create a formation. They had aligned themselves like a cover between Tauruk and the dark clouds. Like a mass of pure energy, their wings began absorbing all the darkness until there was nothing left but bright skies. Then they started to fly away. Hissing could be heard in the distant skies.

Like a new dawn, a sigh of relief filled Tauruk, the sick were now on their feet exchanging warm embraces with their families.

Zara stood still looking at the sky while Nnago came to stand beside her. “It is not over. Someone is trying to destroy Tauruk and I must find them before Alara returns.” She whispered.

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