Children of The Sun


The people in Zhanju became frantic when the sun suddenly turned dim. Three patches like rings appeared in the middle of the sun. Suddenly, the sun came down the horizon before it disappeared. Total darkness ensued. It was the second time in eighteen years that the sun would come down the horizon and disappear.

“What is happening, mother?” Suha became restless as their whole room turned dark.

“Be calm Suha. This has happened before. I met your father that day eighteen years ago. I was alone in the woods when it all suddenly went dark. He just appeared and made me feel safe until it was over. That was the night you were conceived.”Sultana lit a lamp and placed it on the floor. “It is a shame I didn't even know his name. He told me this day would come again. ‘The ghouls will come. When they do, your child will have to make it to the golden tree and unite with her siblings,’ was all he said and it didn't make any sense to me. Some weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with you.” Sultana looked through her window as she spoke. When she saw them, she froze.

“Run Suha. Do not look back until you get to the golden tree. The heavens will guide you from there.” Sultana swallowed looking through the window again.

Men in masks and hoods were closing in. They rode furiously on horses with metal backs. The hooves of the horses weren't touching the earth. Knives and swords were strapped to their armor. Sultana dreaded the site of these unearthly beasts. In their eyes, she saw flames of death. She could smell blood and fury in the air. These beings were hungry and would not stop until they drew blood.

“No mother. I cannot leave you here. Come with me.” Suha held her mother’s hands as tears ran down her cheeks profusely. “Or, I can use my powers to ward them off. I can burn the path and they won't come closer.”

“Listen to me Suha. Your powers won't work now. These aren't mere men. They are immortals. Your father told me about this day and this is what you have to do. You need to be brave. I need to stay here to distract them.” Sultana looked into Suha’s yellow eyes. “Go now,” she implored.

“I love you, mother.” Suha kissed her mother's head and ran as fast as she could through the back door. As Suha ran further into the forest that surrounded their home, she heard a sharp cry that pierced her soul. It was her mother's voice. Suha stopped running abruptly and fell to the ground. She cried hot tears that burned her eyes. Then she stood up. Rage and fury burned in her eyes.

She began running again through the woods. She didn't stop until she reached a clearing where the golden tree stood tall and magnificent. Suha struggled to catch her breath. She had never been to the golden tree. The villagers called it a cursed tree because it mysteriously appeared in the forest eighteen years ago after the sun disappeared from the sky and came down to earth.

Legend had it that whenever there was war in the heavens between the ghouls and celestial bodies, they often came down to find solace on earth. The people believed that the sun left its kingdom and inhabitants that day to find shelter on earth. It left a part of itself on that tree. It is also believed that the ghouls are demons from the heavens that come down to destroy heirs of the heavens that roam the earth. They seek to take total control of the heavens.

The villagers seldom came close to the tree for fear of being burned. Suha never feared the tree or anything close. She only watched it from afar and wished to be there. Her time had come. Suha was now standing in front of this magnificent blinding tree. The trunk, stems and leaves were a luster of yellow rays that looked like they had been kissed by the sun. The tree had an aura and Suha could feel it. She felt like enveloping herself in the foliage.

As Suha stood there breathing in the grandeur of the tree, she heard stomping. It was from a distance but it was heading in her direction. Suha put her palm on the ground and listened intently. Ever since she was younger, she always had unexplained abilities. She couldn't be burned by fire and she could summon flames with her hands. She could hear voices from a distance and when she was out in daylight, her skin glowed gold. Suha thought that it was the reason her mother called her ‘sun-kissed’.

As the sound drew closer, Suha began swishing her palms. Little sparks and blue light that swiftly turned into flames erupted from her palms. “I’m ready for you beasts now.” she roared. Her voice echoed and the birds in the trees took flight.

The moment a girl came crashing into the clearing, Suha struck her flames. The girl dodged. She tumbled and regained her balance. Suha was forming another strike when the girl struck her with a ball of fire. The impact sent Suha crashing into the trunk of the golden tree.

Suha's eyes widened. She had never met anyone who could conjure flames the way she did. Before Suha could regain her composure, the girl sent another ball of flames her way. Suha dodged and a battle of flames ensued. The two girls had succeeded in making small clusters of fire across the clearing.

“Stop it already! Are you trying to attract the ghouls?”

Suddenly, Suha and the mystery girl paused after hearing a voice that came like hush whispers.

“Did this tree just speak?” the girl blurted.

“Yes, Maha. I just did.” the golden tree swayed its branches back and forth.

“Tonight has got to be the strangest night ever. First, it was the beastly men, this girl, and now, the ever-magnificent golden tree talks.” Suha swished her palms and put out the flames.

“You saw them too? I think they killed my mother.” sorrow clouded Maha’s eyes. “How do you even know my name and why does she look a tad like me? Plus I've never seen anyone conjure fire like me.” Maha quizzed the tree and Suha. “Wait, are you sun-kissed too?”

“Argh you both. Isn't it obvious already? We are siblings and I've painfully been here waiting for you both.” The tree shook its branches and light golden showers drenched the floor.

“You mean siblings! Like being born of the same parents?” Suha asked.

“Born of the same father. Haven't you heard the Legend? The day the sun came down, he took the form of a man and befriended our mothers. Well, technically, mine was a seed. In their wombs, he saved his heirs. They gave birth to you two while I germinated.

He kept us safe here on earth away from the ghouls and war in the heavens. They could have killed us all. Now, the sun is weak and he needs us to be able to fight. He needs our strength. We three are the missing patches and the heirs.

All three children of the sun began to feel the earth shake. They could hear distant galloping and chants.

“Ghouls are here.” They all said in unison. Just then, the sun began to rise. It appeared fully on the horizon, with three patches on it. Suha, Maha, and the tree began to feel woozy, the tree began swaying gently from left to right. Maya and Suha’s feet could not hold their bodies.

Soon the ghouls started to appear. The children of the sun had been surrounded. Swords and knives came flying through the air and their bodies without piercing any of them. It was so surreal. As the weapons came flying. The children of the sun began dissipating into clusters of bright rays. The light was blinding and like a rainbow path, the rays traveled and aligned with the sun.

The sun was now shining brighter than ever and the three patches on it had disappeared. The sun and his children had now reunited. Now stronger than ever, they were ready to fight.

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