The Wall

The Wall

Image Source

Tony Pham from Unsplash

With a glint in her eye and a swing in her step, Masha slid her feet into her prized trainers. With well-practiced intuition she took full measure of the wall; it was steep and smooth; a challenge, for all.

With one foot on the tarmac and the other on her board she pulsed herself forward, propelled by her fear. She breezed past Gary, Shaun and Big Jim, she felt her heart contract and her breath stall. She looked up, she looked down, she knew better than to peer left or right, lest the distraction falter her glide. She let the board guide her and it picked up speed.

With the wind in her hair and a stone in her gut she took on the wall with a determined thrust. Into the blue, she flew, board, miraculously attached. Fluid and graceful she landed, without so much as a thwack. A stab of perilous stares found her righted and perfect, not a scratch.

A snigger grew on the edge of the breeze, she heard its tormentous creed.

‘Why would a girl risk her pretty self…why would a girl?’

She skated past the incredulous glare, and kicked up her board in a right-angled pitch that looked cocky, jaunty and full of the creed of the dare.

Then Big Jim caught her eye and his expression softened. He brought his hands together in a clap that strengthened. It didn’t take long for the magnitude of his emotions to spread; Gary and Shaun, and every boy let the feeling of the moment ripple through their blood.

Marsha felt her soul rise while she took in the crowd and the aria they sang as her reward.

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