The Sire of Order

Dickens stood in front of his pride and joy allowing the feelings of accomplishment to wash over him. He would always start his work days like this - however bad the day was afterward, he could always center himself with this image of a job well done.

The door to the observatory opened, presenting his assistant, Becca, to nervously approach the professor.

"Reactor levels under control, sir?" Becca asked, propping her glasses.

"Of course!" Dickens said smugly. "Why wouldn't they be? I design the parameters after all!"

"Yes, sir." Becca nodded. "Erm, sir? The board requests an emergency meeting."

"Now?" Dickens asked incredulously. Becca nodded. Dickens huffed. "Let's see what those good-for-nothing suits want this time. Come, Becca." Dickens took one last look at the thermal reactor before leaving.

The pair walked through the crowded hallways, scientists and researchers nodding in respect as they passed. The Sire of Order, as Dickens was wont to be known, merely continued to look smug as he passed his peers. He did not look at them as such, only as workers designed to fulfill his vision. And one always had to hold a tight leash or risk disorder raining upon him.

Becca followed Dickens as he entered the enormous conference room. The air in the room shifted as soon as they entered - from discourse to anticipation. The star of the show finally arrived, what was going to happen next?

"Dickens!" The chairman clasped his hands and leaned back in his plush chair. "We apologize for the suddenness of this whole thing."

"I expect nothing more from you chairman," Dickens said getting into his seat. "Now, what is so urgent that would warrant such a meeting?"

"This," One of the suits slid a folder across the table. The files were thrown so fast they nearly plopped in Dickens's lap. "You have some explaining to do."

The paper presented was from none other than Sidney McLeeny, Dickens's ex-wife and supposed rival. That in itself made the professor scoff before reading a single word of the thesis.

"What is this farse?" Dickens asked the board.

"Read it, son." The chairman said, uncharacteristically somber.

The paper, in short, was a sham. A deconstruction of his life's work. A deconstruction meant to slander and belittle everything Dickens had ever done. He expected nothing less from Sidney.

"I assume," Dickens started, "that you all know who wrote this paper?"

"What does it matter!" A suit said. "That paper is signed by over twenty credited physicians. You're saying you're smarter than all of them?"

"Have you considered, that this has more to do with revenge than science?" Dickens asked calmly.

"I think so too." The chairman affirmed.

"I think," another said started, "that the allegations in that paper are so severe that we cannot just dismiss them as folly. I mean, read the fine print, Dickens! It says that the temperatures could get so hard that the reactor explodes."

"Yes, and it also states that if that were to happen the earliest would be today. i was just at the reactor and all the levels were as required. So what are we doing here?"

"If the readings are based on false data then what does it matter?" The same suit continued. Rick was his name, Dickens remembered. A level-headed man by all accounts, why was he attacking Dickens now?

"And what would you have me do, Rick?"

The sudden use of his name made Rick stutter, but only briefly. "We... we call in experts to assess the situation."

"This right here!" Dickens raised the report. "Is propaganda meant to share disorder. And I will not have it!" Dickens stood. "The molecular motion in the reactor works. And if any of you knew thermal physics they would know I am not just talking platitudes here. When I say it works, I mean it is in perfect order. Summoning outsiders to check on my reactor would only bring disorder to the machine, and this institute, as a whole." Dickens sat. "Which is what my ex wants more than anything."

"Understandable, seeing how you stabbed her in the back..." Rick whispered loud enough for everyone to hear.

"What was that?" Dickens asked. He couldn't believe what was happening.

"I hope," Rick said in his regular tone. "That you don't let your hubris kill hundreds of hard-working, smart people."

"I have done everything to make sure entropy doesn't occur!" Dickens started but was cut off by the chairman.

"The Sire of Order," the chairman said fondly, "I also see this report for what it is. I will not allow disorder to cloud our minds now that we are on the precipice of greatness. However, let us be sure. Would you check the readings again before moving forward?"

He was going to do that anyway. "Yes, chairman."

He left the bickering suits before they had a chance to protest the chairman's decision. Becca followed step as Dickens stomped through the hallways. He wasn't embodying the image of order anymore. He knew this. Only Sidney could get under his skin so much that he drops his facade.

"The readings are fine!" He yelled at Becca as he checked. "Thermal energy per unit is as stable as it was this morning. That woman doesn't even know the meaning of entropy!"

"She is just jealous, sir," Becca said, shy and blushing.

"She is! She -" All thoughts left Dickens's mind as the readings started to alter in front of his very eyes. "The molecular order... is shifting..." The numbers from the report suddenly clicked in his mind, "impossible..."

"What was that, sir?"

"Becca! Run!"

The temperature in the room increased. And increased.

And increase.

Dickens tried to push Becca out of the observatory. To no avail. There was nowhere to run anyway...

The last thing Dickens saw was the panicked expression of the woman he swore to protect.

That expression started to melt. As did the world around them.

Obligatory shout-out to the šŸ•PIZZAšŸ• gang, šŸ¤™ gang. šŸ¤™

Word prompt: Entropy:
I tried to embody several of the word's meanings in this piece. Not sure how well I pulled it off since I limited myself to 1k words, but I think the gist of the story came through well enough. Hope you folks enjoyed!

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I hope you have a fantastic day! šŸ™Œ

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