The Afterlife (Chapter 10)

Hello! Before we begin, I just wanted to mention that I won't be posting anything next week because me and my family are going to Myrtle Beach tomorrow. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter! I expected it to be longer, and it's not the best, but I really like the ending.


I and Lena walked in silence back to the Pensie's house. We didn't know what to say, This was going way deeper than what I ever imagined. We kept walking and I bumped into someone. "Watch it," the girl said. That's when I realized it was Ann.

I couldn't tell if she noticed it was me, but she walked by without saying anything, so I guess she didn't. Lena turned to me. "What is it? What's wrong?" "That's Ann," I said, which seemed to explain everything. We started to follow her.

Ann was walking quickly down the street, wearing a fluffy blue coat, the exact same coat Wellwater had described. Eventually, she stopped in an alleyway to catch her breath and sit down. I and Lena hid behind some garbage bags.

"Where do you think you're going, little actress," a man said, coming out of the shadows. Ann scooted away from him. "I gave you what you wanted. I helped you. Please, let me and my family go," she said, her voice high and squeaky. The man laughed. "Not until she dies." Ann looked down in shame. "Why kill her? She's just a kid, she's my age. What has she done to deserve death?" They were talking about Jordan. Which means Ann didn't want Jordan dead, even if they didn't like each other much.

Suddenly, Lena kicked a rock and it landed in front of the man. "Ann, haven't we told you what would happen if someone found out about our operation," he asked. He took out a gun and pointed it at Ann. "No, please no," she screamed. I stood up and waved my hands in the air. "Over here you jerk!" He turned and I ducked so he wouldn't see me. Ann saw this as an opportunity and ran as fast and far as she could. The man noticed. He cursed under his breath and looked around, trying to find me and Lena. We didn't move. We didn't breathe. That was until he was finally gone.

"So, Ann is being threatened," Lena said. I nodded. I had come to help Jordan. But now I realized I had come to save not just Jordan, but people like Ann and other innocent people. This was getting worse.

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When we got back to the Pensie's house, we never expected to see Henry and Will holding foam baseball bats up like swords, ready to slice Zack to bits. "Who are you, and what are you doing here," Henry asked. Zack put his hands up. "My name is Zack Crockwell. I'm here to help you." Will and Henry looked at each other and then smiled. "Are you a ghost," Will asked? Zack shrugged. "More or less." Will and Henry put down their foam bats and smiled widely. "Told you that guy was a ghost," Henry exclaimed. "This is so cool," Will shouted.

"Zack, what are you doing here," Lena said, making our presence known. "Wait, you know this guy, Alex? That means your a-" Henry started. He didn't get to finish.

5 Reapers teleported inside the house, including Nick. "Alex, I told you this was a bad idea. But getting Lena and Zack, a newbie, into this is just madness," Nick said. Lena stepped in front of me and the others. "Nick, you should know better than most that kids don't deserve to die. Especially not like this." Nick hesitated. Then he shook his head. "I'm sorry Lena. I really am. But you know the rules." Lena smirked. "Actually, it is never said in the laws that you can't save a person's life." Nick rolled his eyes. "But to do so you are breaking all the laws. Please, Lena. Don't make me do this." Lena looked back at me and the others. Then she turned to Nick, glaring. "Sorry, Nick, but I'm not good at following the rules." Then an all-out war started.

I yelled at Henry, Zack, and Will to hide, but they refused and began to fight. I had to give it to them, they were brave. Foolish, yes, but brave.

Lena's eyes glowed yellow and she shot lightning from her hands. The Reapers all swung at us with their scythe's but we dodged. Nick revealed his fangs, which made Henry step back in shock. "What is this guy?"

I felt terrible fighting the Reapers. They were all around my age, and they were just doing what Nick told them. Nick has been the leader of the Reapers for decades. He rose the ranks quicker than full blown adults did. He had been my friend for longer than that. I shook the thoughts out of my head and grabbed a piece of wood that should've been used for the fireplace. Then I swung it at the nearest Reaper.

I swung and swung. "Fall back," Nick exclaimed. The Reapers all teleported out of here, grabbing their unconscious colleagues. I looked at the others. "Everyone okay?" Lena shook her head and pointed to Henry.

The poor kid was crying. Zack was sitting next to him, trying to comfort him. I crouched down next to them. "What happened Henry?" He wiped his eyes. "Will," he said.

"They got Will."

Dun, dun, dun! What will happen to Will? Will Alex tell Henry the truth? Stay tuned to find out!

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