(Monthly short fiction contest Prompt: Action, Canine) Ace

Doberman costume I am gonna find out how to get this. | Cyber dog,  Doberman, Robot animal

Kaila's life was far from normal. Growing up, she lived in a special facility. After the death of her parents, she had to live with her aunt. Her aunt was a brilliant woman. She made something that could change the world. The problem was that everyone wanted to use her creation. So Laila and her aunt lived in that place, kept safe and hidden from the world.

Kaila was going to get a midnight snack when suddenly the alarm started blaring. She looked around. "Kaila, get back to your room," the captain of the guards said. Kaila nodded. She began to run, but she didn't make it.

Suddenly, a man grabbed her from behind. She kicked and screamed, but he was too strong. "Sorry kid," the man said. He began to choke her. "Kaila," she heard the captain yell. Then there was a blast, and all she saw was black.

When Kaila awoke, she was tied to a metal pole that was holding up the ceiling. She had no idea where she was, but it was not the facility. "Morning sleepyhead," a man said, coming into the room. "What do you want from me," Kaila asked. "I don't know anything about my aunt's invention, and I'm guessing that's what you're after. I'm no use to you." The man shrugged. "Other than your aunt, you are the only one who it won't try and kill. Part of its code. Believe me, I've lost many friends because of this thing." Kaila looked down. "What is it?" The man smirked. "Don't know. But I do know what it's called. A monster from hell."

Kaila had been alone in this room for 3 hours when she heard some whimpering. She looked around for the source. That's when she saw the cage behind her. Inside was a dog.

Well, it wasn't a real dog. It was made of metal. Kaila smiled. "Hey buddy," she said. The dog looked at her, eyes glowing. Kaila slowly placed her hand on its nose. The metal dog closed its eyes in contentment. "You have a name," Kaila asked. The dog showed its chest. On it said, Ace. Kaila smiled. "Well then, hello there, Ace. I'm Kaila." She patted his head and sighed. "They kidnapped you too, didn't they? Well, don't worry. Someone will find us. We'll be fine." Kaila didn't know whether to believe that herself, but she remained optimistic.

The man came back, untied Kaila, and dragged her out of the room. Kaila tried to fight, but again, to no avail. "Listen, kid, if you keep being difficult, my boss will kill ya." Kaila looked at the man, trying to figure out if he was telling the truth. From what she could tell, he was.

Suddenly, there was an explosion. In surprise, the man let go of Kaila. So she ran. She ran as fast as she could, trying to find the door. The place seemed empty until she bumped into a man with a big gun. He pointed it at her. "You're not going anywhere."

Then a flash of black pounced on the man, who screamed in absolute terror. Kaila got up and saw Ace, now with a piece of skin in his mouth. Kaila's eyes widened. "You're the invention," she whispered. She heard more men coming, getting closer and closer. "Come on," she said.

Kaila and Ace ran and eventually found the door. Kaila tried to open it, but it was locked. Ace's eyes glowed and lasers shot out. Kaila's jaw dropped. "Where have you been all my life," she said, smiling.

She looked out and saw what looked like a war. The men who kidnapped her were fighting another group that looked like they were part of the military. Kaila's aunt had always told her not to trust anyone. Even if they had high authority. So she ran across the battlefield. She got shot in the arm and screamed in pain, but she had to keep going.

Ace was right behind her. They looked around and realized there was nowhere to go. They seemed to be in the middle of the desert. There was one street nearby, So the two made a run for it. Kaila covered her ears and avoided the bodies all over. All of this because of some dog. It made Kaila sick.

They made it to the road and saw a truck parked. The man was looking at the battle, confused. He saw Kaila and Ace. "Miss, are you alright? What is going on over there," he asked. Kaila panted. "I'll explain, but you need to get us out of here." The man nodded. Kaila got in the back of his pickup truck and Ace jumped on with ease. The man drove faster than Kaila thought possible, but she wasn't complaining. She was just happy to be alive.

The problem was her arm. It hurt like hell. Ace went over to her arm and put his paw on the wound. Kaila winced, but it began to heal. She looked at Ace. "Well, you certainly are something, Ace."

She looked around and found a bar next to her. She opened it. "Can mechanical dogs eat," she asked Ace. He sniffed the bar and licked his lips. She assumed this meant yes. She gave the dog a bite, which he appreciated. Kaila smiled slightly. "We'll be fine." Kaila felt so tired. She hadn't slept in what felt like days. She laid down on the floor of the truck. Ace laid down next to her and Kaila hugged him. He didn't try to escape and just laid there, comfortable. Soon, both were asleep.

"Miss," the driver said, shaking Kaila awake. Kaila rubbed her eyes. "Yes?" He took out a piece of paper. It was a missing person sign with her face on it. "This is you, isn't it?" Kaila nodded slowly and cautiously. The driver smiled. "Good." He helped her out and realized they were back at the facility. "Wait, how did you-" Kaila started. "How did I know where to go," the driver finished. He showed her a badge on his jacket. It had the same symbol her aunt's had. A torch. "We're old friends," the driver said.

Kaila went into the facility and saw her aunt. "Hey auntie," she said. Her aunt looked at her and gasped. She hugged her tightly. She then looked at the driver. "Thank you." He smiled. "Of course." Her aunt looked at Ace. "Ah, you've met my little invention." Kaila nodded. "He saved my life. More than once." Her aunt nodded. "That's what he was made for."

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