The 100

After a great flood wiped out the entire troll's clan, only a hundred survived, now they needed a new home, which meant going into battle with a weaker species in their territory. They matched in their numbers, armed and looking for a land with much food for their survival.

"Shhh! " The one leading muttered as they immediately disguised themselves, rolling up as rocks. Their strength lies in their ability to disguise. One of the trolls peeped through its shell and saw armies of armadillos fully matched up, matching around the portion with the fertile land. Armadillos are a species they fear, their weapons do not penetrate through their hard shell and no troll survives the bite of an armadillo.

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"It's the armadillo" he mumbled to one, then the one to another spreading the dreading news across. Gradually they started to retreat, rolling in the other direction. They were more stronger than the armadillos but the armadillos were more tactical when it came to battle. They had lost several wars to the armadillos in the past and had ever since lived far from their dwelling. As the trolls rolled blindly, running away from the armadillos they fell into the Hyena's valley.

The laughing of the hyenas awakens them to the consciousness of their environment. As much as they hated the beast before them they needed to fight or die, they were just 100 , just a squad in their armies of war but they needed a home and were ready to take it by all means. The hyenas moved around them in a circle laughing continually. The trolls groaned as they sharpened their weapons, and pierced it into one of the Hyena's skin, slowly, it fell to the floor laughing in pain, when the troll anticipated victory , they turned around to see a thousand hyenas coming out from their caves thirsty for blood.

To Be Continue

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