"Hey! Cut it out! Leave him alone!"

Katie stood in the doorway, hands on hips, her fierce expression scowling.

"Ah! What are you gonna do Katie Pants?" Josh asked, his fist still clenched. "Wanna get beat up too?"

"Katie..." Matt said, his face inches from Josh's fist. "just... leave..."

"Yeah!" Steve, standing to the side as always, chimed in. "this is boys' stuff!"

Instead, Katie walked in, her own hands turning into fists. Josh smirked that stupid smirk of his and went to push her back. Katie grabbed his hands as he attempted so, and flung him to the ground with one fell motion. Steve, as always, of course, did nothing.

"Owie! Let me go!" Josh yelped, his arm in pain as Katie twisted it.

"Only if you stop bothering him," Katie said.

"I promise!"

"You promised last time," Katie twisted Josh's arm some more, and he squealed like a pig. "Will you break your promise again?"

"I promise I won't break my promise!"

Katie released Josh and he stumbled to his feet. Josh waved for Steve to follow and they left the empty classroom without another word.

Katie turned and sighed at the disheveled Matt. He only looked down, grabbing his bruised arm.

"Thanks," Matt said.

"Why do you keep letting them do that to you?" Katie asked.

Matt shrugged. "I'm just not as strong as you."

Katie rolled her eyes so hard they threatened to pop out of her skull. "You're a weakling! Not in body, but in mind!" She turned away, disgusted. "This is the last time I help you."

Katie left, leaving behind a pitiful boy, confused and ashamed. Matt knew what Katie said was true. But how could he explain it? He was just unable to fight for himself. Whenever he was in danger - he froze. He didn't want his body to stop working, but it did.

Knowing that Katie was right made him feel even worse. Matt wasn't oblivious to the obvious, if anything he beat himself up more about it. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, not on the bus ride home, not at dinner, and definitely not before bed.

"You look like hell, man." Jon, his best friend, said on the bus.

"I feel like it too."

"Josh again?" Jon grimaced.

Matt nodded. "Katie saved my ass again. I doubt she'll do it again though."

Jon chuckled. "Might be a blessing in disguise, honestly."

"I just... can't stand up for myself."

"Hey, man!" Jon grabbed Matt's shoulder. "It's cool. You'll get over it eventually."

"I hope you're right, bro."

School was the same as ever. Except, Josh really left Matt alone. Matt was surprised but also didn't blame him. Katie was scary. Beautiful, but scary. Matt always admired her from afar. And wondered why she helped him out in the first place. Whenever he would try to talk to her she would brush him off. Yet she was the first to stop Josh and Steve when it mattered.

Even today, when Matt approached her, she put up her nose and acted as if he wasn't there. Matt slouched but he didn't really care. Katie was an enigma, and the world was right when she remained as such.

Matt was in a perpetual state of confusion with Katie. He caught her glancing at him during math class. When she got caught, she made this face like she was about to fight him. Was Katie thinking about becoming Matt's new bully?

The day went by quick. With no bullies around, Matt almost felt like a normal boy. He was pondering this as he left the school grounds.

And saw Katie being dragged away by Josh and Steve.

"Hey! What are you doing!" Matt yelled as he followed them.

Katie was dazed as Josh held her by her wrists. "Teaching your hero a lesson, punk!"

"Matt..." Katie said. "just... leave..."

"He can't do anything! Look at him!" Steve cackled. "He's just a little -"

Matt punched Steve in the face without thinking. Matt was mad. Real mad. He looked at Josh and Josh stepped back. For a moment, his grip on Katie's wrists loosened. Katie took the opportunity and kicked Josh in the shin. Josh did his characteristic yelp and let Katie go.

"Come on man! Let's get out of here!" Steve didn't say a word as he followed Josh away from the duo.

"You touch Katie again and you'll be sorry!" Matt was red-faced. "You hear me? I'll -"

"Matt." Katie grabbed his hand. "They're gone."

Matt came to his senses. They were. What... what hapepned. He asked as much and Katie chuckled.

"I punched Steve?" Matt asked befuddled.

"You looked like you were gonna kill Josh as well." Katie snickered.

"No way..." He then noticed Katie's hand holding his. "Are... are you hurt?"

"Pfft, I'm fine." She then smiled. "Your face is in a different shade of red now, Matt."

Matt squeezed her hand. "I know."

"You're blushing." Katie squeezed back.

"I know."

"Dummy. Come on."

Thank you for reading. 🙏 Hope you had an amazing weekend! ❤️ This was my entry for the S&S Invitational.

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