Lollipop Gun - SHORT STORY

Jenny hopped the fence, lollipop in hand. Unwrapped, unopened, she held it tight so it didn't fall out of her tiny hand. Grandma had given her the lollipop and Grandma never gave anything to anyone. Jenny had to cherish it and protect it, even in a situation like this one.

"Jenny get down!" Mom yelled as a chunk of concrete blew overhead.

"What do you have there?" Carl, her little brother, asked.

"A lollipop from Grandma." Jenny gave him her characteristic smirk.

"No way!"

As bullets rained on their position they had to duck and cover. Jenny finally got to her modified Tec-9. It was only for show though. Mom was the only one who knew the truth about her relationship with the weapon.

"No more discussions about candy, got it?" Dad turned, AR in hand. "Jenny, put that thing away. Carl, cover me as I make for the diner."

They both nodded. Reluctantly, Jenny put away her lollipop in her amo pouch. As Carl got in position, Mom called Jenny over.

"I understand Grandma's presents are valuable, but not more valuable than the mission. Right?"

Jenny's lip wobbled. "Yes, mom. I know. I'll be careful."

"Good girl." Mom kissed Jenny's forehead. "You think you'll be able to do it today?"

"I don't know...." Jenny thought about sharing her fears then, that she wouldn't be able to shut a gun like her family could. She ended up delaying that confession - now was not the time.

Mom ruffled her hair. "Do what feels right, pumpkin. But keep your wits about you."

"Yes, mommy."

Dad was off running. As he bolted, Carl started laying down suppressive fire. Carl was an amazing shot and his nerves never wavered. On the other hand, Dad was still the athlete he was when he was on his varsity track squad. The duo was unstoppable.

Dad made it to the diner and went out of sight. Carl took his AR and got back behind cover. Mom shot some and got behind the cover as well.

"Got the bastard." Mom said.

"Mom, does this mission fall into Don's plans?" Jenny asked.

"You came without knowing why?" Carl scoffed.

"I know why, dummy!" Jenny stuck out her tongue. "We need to kill the bastards that shot Grandpa. I'm just asking if the Don has anything to do with our revenge."

Dad's voice suddenly shouted from Mom's wocky-tocky. "They're advancing on your position! Fall back!"

Carl, although younger, was the strongest in their group. He grabbed Jenny in one hand and the bag of amo in the other and was off. Mom follows closely behind. An explosion nearly made Carl trip, but they were far enough away to be safe. For now.

"You alright?" Dad's voice came from Mom's wocky-tocky.

"We're alright, dear," Mom responded. "Thanks to you."

"Diiner's clear. I interrogated one of them. Says the man who killed Pops is located in the hospital. Says its one of their leaders."

"Makes sense." Mom said.

"Let's meet by the meat market across the street. Sons of bitches are advancing, they wouldn't expect us to hit them in their heart."

"Agreed. Over and out."

Mom turned to face the determined expressions of her children. "Keep each other safe." They both nodded. "Heads low, and movements quiet. We do this sneakily, or we don't do it at all." Another nod. "We go in three. Catch your breath, Carl."

As they rested Carl sulked. "You think you're special 'cause you got a lollipop?"

"I know I am." Jenny beamed.

"You think... you think I'm special too?"

Jenny sighed. "Fine! I'll share! Let's just finish this up. Ok?"

It was Carl's turn to beam now. However, it was time to move as Mom gave the signal.

They snuck behind cars, sticking to the sides of buildings. Moving with intent and care. Distant gunshots could be heard from other battlefields in the distance. The trio was focused on their surroundings, however, paying attention to any sudden movements.

As they crossed an alley, Mom jumped between it. "Clear," she whispered.

Right as the siblings went to move, a hand came out of nowhere to grab Mom by the throat.

A man holding a gun to her head grinned a wicked grin. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the Mother Hen herself. Are these the two ever so famous hens, then?"

"You let her go!" Carl Aimed his own gun at the threat.

"Uh oh. Careful there, champ. Wouldn't want your Mommy's brains all over the concrete."

"What do you want?" Mom grunted.

"I don't have a steak in this fight." The mysterious man said. "However, I do want to know what you intend to do once you finish your mission. This city has been at war for too long. And you four are partly the reason why."

"We want pe[ace just as much as the next -"

"Spare me." He pressed the gun harder.

"You can... you can have this! Just let her go..." Jenny spoke up, holding her lollipop.

The man stood there, transfixed by the innocent gesture. His face then turned to disgust as he let Mom go. "They are but children. Have you no shame?"

"At this point. Shame is a luxury." Mom said.

The man looked at Jenny and crouched to pick up the lollipop. He held it between two fingers, then gave a caring smile to the girl. "Thank you, little one."

"No problem." In a swift motion, Jenny raised her Tec-9 and blew the man's head clean off. "No one touches my mommy."

Carl jumped in surprise and Mom grabbed Jenny in her arms. "Shhh, shhh. Precious girl. That wasn't necessary."

"He threatened you, and I, and I..."

"That shot will alert them we're here," Carl said, vigilant.

"You finally did it." Mom said. "I'm proud of you." She kissed Jenny's forehead. "But we have to move now. We have to meet up with Dad."

Jenny nodded. Hands shaking she braced herself for another harrowing run.

The mission was not done. Grandpa still needed to be avenged.

Thank you for reading. 🙏 Hope you had an amazing weekend! ❤️ This was my entry for the S&S Invitational. 👻

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