The Hinterland Hunters [WOO Lore Entry]


A dynamic duo,
an outback team,
The Hinterland Hunters
will make you scream.


G'day, Hive!

I'm back at it with writing lore for HIVE games. I'm still riding the high of winning the Hashking's lore contest! 2 for 2 on the HIVE games lore. This time I'm aiming for the latest game, coming soon, called Wrestling Organisation Online. WOO for short. And if you're fan of Rick Flair... you get the reference.

They've recently teamed up with the Scholar & Scribe community to bring us a lore writing contest, this currently being the first of 3! And this is my entry into the first instalment: a dive into the lore behind the tag team known as The Hinterland Hunters.




Created in Canva. Background Source




Snakes and crocs aren’t the only hunters in the Australian outback to be wary of. Tag team “The Hinterland Hunters” rank high on the list of dangers, but unlike the outback critters, these men can travel. Jack and Wayne are brothers of oath, bound to each other through their shared experiences in the wild before venturing out to seek greater challenges in the wrestling world.

Jack “The Beanstalk” was raised along the fringes of the outback, having spent his childhood in the bush learning to hunt. He’d always had an impressive height, leading to his nickname throughout his teen years and into adulthood, and giving him an advantage over the long crocs in the wetlands behind his childhood home.

Wayne, meanwhile, was raised a cityboy and was only introduced to outback living on a high school camping expedition where he immediately felt at home. From then, he spent every holiday in the wilderness, honing his skills. It was on one of these excursions that Wayne met Jack and the two formed a bond that held fast for years. It was only natural they would move on from wrestling crocodiles to wrestling professional athletes.

Upon leaving the outback, the Hunters set off across the sea toward San Francisco where they made their début, winning the tag-team title in the All-In Wrestling Network championship. It was there that Jack and Wayne were introduced to manager Paulie Savage who helped pave their career to take off in the following year. The duo have since become independent of a manager and continue to dominate headlines and rosters across the globe.

But tragedy soon struck. A couple of short years into their budding career, Jack sustained an injury to his left shoulder during a match that led to the discovery of a tumour growing there. The treatment had left him out of action for months. The duo lost their claim to that year's tag team title and entry into the next Championship event. During Jack's recovery, Wayne performed solo, leaving Jack to fall behind and forgotten. The resulting strain on their relationship almost led to the disbanding of The Hinterland Hunters.

An intervention by close friends and colleagues helped mend the cracks and sent the duo back to Australia where they were given a month of outback living to strengthen their bond. While there, the Hunters partook in a tag team Battle Royal in Sydney that summer, claiming the win and an entry into the World Tag Team Championship match. This was the moment the Hunters became solid and unbreakable. While Jack still experiences bouts of pain in his shoulder, Wayne is always there to cover him, and the duo are as guarded as they are coordinated.

To mark their renewed oath, Jack and Wayne got tattoos representing the other's feats. Wayne's feat was surviving the bite of a male Sydney Funnel Web spider, thus the spider on Jack's abdomen. While Jack's defeat of his tumour is represented on Wayne's shoulder. Both Hunters also have matching Smiley tattoos on their right shoulders. Wayne is quoted as saying:

"it [the tattoos] shows that no matter what, we'll come out of anything with smiles on our faces, stronger than ever."

Fan favourites in any match, these lovable giants can turn deadly, using their combined attack moves to stun and finish off any opponent, making The Hinterland Hunters a must for any roster.



Thanks for stopping by and reading and supporting!

I'd love to know your thoughts and reactions to the story so please feel free to leave a comment.


Anike Kirsten lives in the dead centre of South Africa with her spawns and spouse, cat, and spiders. She is an amateur scientist and artist who also enjoys exploring the possibilities, as well as the improbabilities, within her stories. Fragments of her imagination have been scattered across to Nature: Futures, Avescope, and other fine publications.

• Copyright © 2022 Anike Kirsten •



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