
Hello family, this is my entry into WOTW S3 E3 contest. I am glad to participate. I love music generally but for this challenge I like to introduce you to one music I enjoy so much and the vibes the music give me. Not a happy vibe anyways but a vibe to constantly remind me of someone important in my life. Although,no more.

I am a very emotional person, music speaks not just to my soul but also to my bones and spirit. As I listen to music, while I may find the beat interesting and danceable, the lyrics are always soul-reaching and heart-rendering.

I appreciate a lot of songs and I can not count the number of those that inspires me. However, for the purpose of this post and if rating them in the order of how affected I can be by them, there is one I can resist.


Soledad" by Westlife in their Coast to Coast Album has held a special place in my heart for as long as I can remember. Despite being a song in 2000, its lyrics depict the emotional journey of someone who is experiencing the pain of separation from a loved one.

Have you ever lost someone so dear to you? Longing for the person's presence and the emotional stress of being alone runs throughout the song. Although death was not mentioned in the song, but the themes of loneliness, heartbreak, and separation can resonate with various forms of loss, including the loss of a loved one through death. I was quick to relate it to the loss of someone because it fits.

My deep connection with this song stems from the profound impact of losing my father years ago. As I listen to its lyrics repeatedly, memories of him flood my mind, breaking my heart anew each time.
I have other music that inspires emotions in me anyways such as "show me heaven" by Maria Mckee and "sleeping child" by Michael learns to Rock. These ones too reminds me of my late room mate in School, they were her best songs. However, this post is about Soledad.

I hate to say good bye, especially if we are not going to see for a long time or ever again. This song came handy when I lost my Father.

As I heard this music play, I began to wonder if the writers had me in mind when they penned it down for singing. There is hardly a time I hear the song that memories of Dad won't flash back.


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Soledad in the real sense means solitude or loneliness. That agrees with how lonely Daddy's death has left my entire family, especially my Mother and I. I mourned my Dad for straight four years. It got to a time that when I become emotional about it again, hubby would ask if I am sure it is still my Dad that I just remembered.πŸ˜… I think he felt I am already going extra mile with the tears. Before hubby came Daddy was my best friend. He would give everything to find solution to anyone 's problem, just tell him the problem.

I divided the title into two: SOLE and DAD. I felt like the Sole Dad I have is gone and no longer present. I was his favourite and could not imagine how I could carry on without the one and only Dad I've got.

In an attempt to share my feelings, I once chose to sing this song in hive openmic community. However, I found it challenging to sing without being overwhelmed by tears.

The last memory I have with my father was in the hospital, a somber moment before his eventual passing. The trauma of those days lingered, especially when I accompanied his family to the morgue for a final viewing. I vividly recall breaking down and pleading with his lifeless body to return home.

His death motivated me to revisit this song and present it in today's post as a heartfelt ode in his memory. Though time has passed, his memory remains vivid.


Beneath the veil of starry night
, A father's love, a guiding light.
"Soledad" whispers in the breeze,
A daughter's journey through memories.

Dear Father, besides the grave where tears are shed,
Your memory lives, though you have fled
Soledad, a hymn, a whispered prayer
A melody that transcend the air

In every ripple of the windswept grass
In every moment that I wish to pass
Your earthly frame may rest below
But in God's promise, your spirit shall glow

The resurrection is a hope profound
When he will call upon the ground
Soledad, you who has been granted a waiting grace
From the resurrection, we will see face to face

With each passing day, each fleeting hour
I hold the promise of God's power
Soledad, a gentle, patient song
of a future reunion where we will belong

The grave, a temporary keep,
"Soledad" weaves dreams in sleep.
A daughter's belief in a dawn to rise,
In the realm where love never dies.

ONCE AGAIN, this is the link to the song of Soledad on YouTube.

Thanks for coming to support me.

Lyrics: If only you could see the tears, in the World You left behind

If only you can heal my heart just one time.

visit and see the lyrics hereπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

westlife soledad lyrics

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