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It is now illegal to harvest food here but the orgonite making has begun!


For the last month it has been illegal to water our plants due to the (geo-engineered) lack of rain here, but yesterday every household in the French Pyrenees-Orientales received this leaflet through their door which tells them amongst other things how it is now illegal to even harvest our plants. The official reason for this is beyond me (do plants drink less if they are not harvested?) but the unofficial reason is clear: modern agriculture is being destroyed because it is going to be replaced with the technocratic wet dream of absolute control of the food supply. Gone will be the days of the local family-run farming businesses, replaced by privately owned indoor vertical farms, operated by robots. These, the WEF say, are better for the environment because they optimise the use of water while eliminating the need for human involvement. Humans will all be at home eating bugs and being happy!

Adding insult to injury our canal is currently more full than I have ever seen it because there is so much rain in the mountains above us (where they don't have sufficient 5G towers to fully control the weather).


Not even agricultural producers are permitted to use this water which collects exclusively for the fish and frogs in a lake below us.

A close-up on the section which relates to harvesting.

"Stop agricultural harvesting"


The use of the word "prélèvements" (withdrawals) in place of "ramasser" (harvest) is intentionally ambiguous but having asked around, this unquestionably means we are no longer permitted to take even a lettuce leaf or a radish from our garden.

How long will it be I wonder before they just outlaw gardens or even the plants themselves? Evil things sucking up all that water we need!

Here is a shot of my mother and her partner digesting the contents of the leaflet yesterday.


They are here for a few weeks on holiday.

In danger of getting carried away with my emotions in relation to these new laws I will jump now directly to my two part plan which aims to resolve this problem.

Part 1 - Re-design kitchen sink

I have been watching how much dirty water goes down the kitchen plug hole on a daily basis and am almost certain it is enough to water our garden so from now on we will collect all the grey water which goes through our kitchen sink (with natural washing up liquid only) and I will walk down the street to the garden every day pushing a wheelbarrow of water containers. Then I will legally water my plants.


The four of us will also collect our urine in order that we can supplement this water with liquid nutrients, diluted in the following ratio: 1 part urine/10 parts water. Plants love this.

I want for people to see me walking down that street every day with my water & urine in part for them to realise they can do this too (where is the law which says we can't re-cycle our urine & grey water?) and in part to justify the amazing garden I am going to have this Summer which must be watered in a legal manner due to the public footpath next to it.


Part 2 - Make it rain

Even though I may just have solved our watering problem with the kitchen sink idea (extendable to the shower & bath if we need it) this system will eat into my precious hours every day and it still doesn't solve the problem that we can't legally harvest our plants. So this is where the cloudbuster comes in.


I believe if I can make it rain here regularly our Mayor will simply not be able to justify upholding this law. Why would we be prevented from harvesting if everything is growing fine thanks to regular rain? Mayors have a lot of power around here and if they can see there is no 'crisis' going on in this specific part of the region, they have the power to adjust local laws accordingly.

It's a long shot but it's all I've got.

Aside from watering and harvesting in the dark! But even this will be dangerous because it will be obvious to anyone who walks past our land on a daily basis (there are many) that we are harvesting regularly.

As time goes on there will be more and more countries facing this world-wide clamp down on independent food producers and the only thing I know for sure is there is no future for us here if we can't grow food.

The cloudbuster question...

For the last week I have been meditating 30mins a day with my Wands of Horus (and kittens) because I am looking for answers.


@woelfchen kindly pointed out in my last cloudbuster post that the German orgone community do not use aluminium in orgonite as it may be counter productive or even dangerous.

This is a real test for me because I have already spent around €50 on aluminium shavings, €140 on aluminium tubes and have been drilling through this aluminium pan for the last week to make more shavings.


@woelfchen recommends iron as a good alternative for the core metal in the resin mix but when I look online it seems clear that the modern orgone movement makes it very easy to get hold of aluminium shavings, while no one is selling iron shavings. Why would this be?

Potentially it could be the intentional steering of this modern orgonite movement in the wrong direction. The 'powers who shouldn't be' know we have the ability to oppose their geo-engineering programs and de-activate the negative aspects of 5G towers with orgonite so it makes sense they would censor or shut down those who sell functional products, while pushing to the front of the search engine queue those who sell products which either don't work at all or may work a little if you are lucky. If you are unlucky it will kill you and any cries for justice from your family will never be heard.

I could have bought a cloudbuster on Etsy for less than I have already spent on this machine but would it work as intended? This is a risk.

Screenshot 2023-05-13 at 18.55.27.png

And would it have the energy and intentions of myself and my family infused into the creation process? No it wouldn't. This is a certainty.

So I have accepted now that I must spend more crypto and buy copper tubes in place of aluminium tubes along with iron filings in place of aluminium shavings. I simply cannot compromise the safety of my family over money. Nor can I fail on my mission to make rain!

10L of epoxy resin arrived a few days ago so we have everything else we need to get started now.


In the meantime my family and I are learning how epoxy resin works and practicing making orgonite pyramids because the base of a cloudbuster is basically a giant block of orgonite.


I bought these lovely colourful crystals & stones to work with.


My mother was given the largest pyramid mold to work with because she will take her finished organite home with her when she heads back to England and there it will energise her new house and look after them as intended.


Organite is made in layers, giving each layer enough time to dry a little before commencing the next. Here is my mother's first layer.


And here is mine which is using a little piece of white tack to hold the copper spiral in place till the resin is harder.


Esteban & I also started a 51° cone which will be used in the garden.


This one has a little copper tree in the middle.


I cannot even express how excited I am to have a look at how these come out!

IMG_7736 2.jpeg

Will likely make a dedicated orgonite DIY post once we have some finished examples to show you.


For now I think that's all I have to say.


We are living in crazy times my friends but let us remain grateful because without these ridiculous laws we would not be pushing ourselves now to find inventive solutions.

Love & Light everyone 🌱
