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the big day has finally arrived and the farm has worn its best cloths to celebrate. a full mantle of Spring flowers decorates this beautiful sunny day. everything blooms and sprouts and flowers.

the long awaited flowers of the Honeyberries (Lonicera caerulea), that remind of the flowers of the Honey Suckle for a reason. they share the same family.

and the eye catching Magneta of the Magnolia among many many others that flower as we speak.

since my introduction to Electroculture and the experimentation with it and due to the irrefutable proof of its effectiveness, I feel a large Pandora Box has opened.
seeing constant results to the various techniques I use forces me to acknowledge these subtle energies are real. since they are real, all else must be real too.

I can no longer pretend Wifi does not have an effect on me. I now give greater importance to Grounding, daily, now that weather allows for it. by the way the second counters the negative effects of the first !
same applies for the spoken word, same applies for prayer...

through the various Electroculture techniques I apply, I am no longer just an observer here. I now hold the power to heal nature itself ! this could sound overwhelming or it can simply be taken as a mission.
all these trees that are weak or sick, or just unhappy for some reason, I can now try to help them recover and improve.

a Lakhovsky coil is one of the simplest and fastest to make and is proven to do wonders.

so the rest of my wire is quickly transformed in open end rings that will go around as many plants and trees as possible.

top priority are those that were planted recently and hence are not yet well established before they get hammered by our summer.

Vetiver (Chrysopogon zizanioides) plants go first as they were recently harvested and replanted. even though they have fairly reasonable roots, they still need all the help they can get. after harvested the plants chosen to be replanted soaked in Mykorrhiza solution for extra support.

an envelope containing Black Goji (Lycium ruthenicum) seeds is being energized within the pyramid for several days before being sawn.

once sawn, a Lakhovsky coil is placed on top as further enhancement to the germination process.

it is important to point the opening in the coil toward magnetic North.


I am daily making the change I want to see in the world.
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