Cultivation of very sweet honey guava fruit

good afternoon hive friends all happy to see joelibra again in this beloved community hello everyone how are you today! I hope that all of my friends are in good health and can carry out activities as usual, hopefully today's activities are better than yesterday's activities.

on this occasion I will share some pictures about honey guava fruit, I took this honey guava fruit a few days ago at my sister's house.

a few days ago I went to my sister's house, whose house is not far from where I live, only a few meters away, after I arrived at their house I saw lots of guava fruit on the tree, this easy fruit entered the description from her named guava fruit honey.

guava fruit is a guava fruit that tastes very sweet and a lot of people cultivate this guava fruit because in addition to its sweet taste, caring for it is quite easy, not a hassle so that a lot of what we see in people's yards is growing lots of honey guava plants, both planted inside pot or planted in ordinary soil.

Honey guava fruit is almost similar to ordinary water guava, only the difference is that it tastes very sweet, so we see a lot in fruit markets selling this honey guava fruit at an affordable price.

according to information from my sister that this honey guava fruit is about five years old, apart from consuming the fruit, this honey guava fruit is also sold to fruit sellers in the market so that she gets a lot of money from selling this honey guava fruit.

Thus my discussion about honey guava fruit, hopefully it can be useful for all of us and thank you for the support from all my friends

In the following I will share some pictures about honey guava fruit which is very sweet, I hope all my friends like it.

see you on my next post

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