The Obedient Serve Tyrants, Dissenters Overthrow Them

ref Carl Jung and The Shadow In the above video we examine the psychology of obedience, paying particular attention to why people obey those in power even if it means committing actions that in any other situation they would view as immoral. We will also examine disobedience and how it acts as a crucial counter-force to the rise of an oppressive government. Recommended Video from AcademyOfIdeas

Most readers will be aware that Sydney, and all the Australian States, are quickly sliding into police state medical tyranny. A two faced govt and vested-interest media are engaged in causing the public to enter into a mass psychosis, one that has detached critical thinking, overall making the citizens very compliant to accept any edicts handed out under the guise of 'protecting health'.

As I have covered in other posts the NSW Premier's actions have NOTHING to do with public health but those same actions correlate exactly to classic brainwash techniques.

The goal of this mental torture is of course to get the publics consent while they stage a takeover of mostly defenceless institutions and remodel society to a authoritarian medical dictatorship.
It works because human populations can be divided into roughly 3 groups.

  • The Obedient 20% - this group will believe anything, love being told what to do, will go the extra mile to follow the latest insane govt rule. They are the ready made snitches the govt will start to mobilise as they try to cement in the regime changes.
  • The Herd 70% - most people fall into this group and they are the backbone of civilization. They can be swayed to a course of action by logic and using their own deductive reasoning. But they are still able to be brainwashed, most effectively when stressed. As it seems to be now, the herd have handed the authority to think to the govt. But lets not right off the sheeple yet.
  • The Dissenters 10% - this small but loud group is almost impossible to hypnotise, questions the authority of the day on every plan or action, creative but rarely works well in structured groups. You may also assume that mind control propaganda has the least affect on them, as they will see the logic gaps in the narratives and pick at those gaps till the hole can be peered through and reality is seen.


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The mainstream media has a crucial role since a single respected celebrity journalist turning whistleblower could awaken enough of the Herd to stop the slide to tyranny in its tracks. But we must put away the hopium, major players have been grooming and pruning Australian media for decades. Highly unlikely one would risk the masters wrath.
I should be noted that 'fake news' is only one function Murdoch, SMH, ABC et al perform. Just as vital is the role the play as gatekeepers, stopping the public seeing or hearing news from the world that would sway citizens to seek out dissenters. News such as protests for freedom, cities without lockdowns coping well with outbreaks etc.


The sad truth is that in the face of organised well funded propaganda, well intentioned petitions are never going to rollback this newborn police state.

One thing can stop it, and it starts with the dissidents. See dissidents are a small fraction of society, and as they tend to be scattered evenly throughout, its very likely most are on their own, wondering if they are the crazy ones when really the covid cool-aid being handed out affects them less.
Sydney suffered a setback with the first freedom protesters being tracked down by police in order to scare them into compliance, something I sincerely hope failed in all cases.

1civildisasml.png link to video click to watch

Dissidents power is not in individual acts, its in the catalyst effect that a group of dissidents can have on the Herd, it's like watching sleepy 5year old reaction to having ice water poured over them without warning. Its what tyrants fear most, mass civil disobedience.
At its most basic level its a significant sized group of citizens defying one of the edicts or rules in a public place or manner, in so doing initiating a domino effect within the herd, who react by joining in the show of defiance. In this act the citizens are divesting the tyranny of their consent to be ruled.
As history shows us in numerous examples tyrants are toppled by such an act as they can only hold power if the masses LET them.


Such a display runs the risk of retaliation naturally. Who can forget the horror of Tiemen Square? But when critical mass of numbers attends a fledgling tyranny has no hope of commanding police/military to act against fellow citizens.
Retaliation would almost certainly galvanize the rest of the herd in NSW to shake off the mind control yoke.

A special note to all NSW dissidents, you are NOT alone, there is rational faults with the logical premise the entire mask/lockdown mandates, but convincing one of the Herd using facts and logic alone is an uphill battle. Join up with a few like minded folk however and armed with info like the link in the virus below, people will take back their ability to question the govt illogic and an exponential awakening for liberty will occur.



A dissident is a person who actively challenges an established political or religious system, doctrine, belief, policy, or institution. In a religious context, the word has been used since the 18th century, and in the political sense since the 1920s, coinciding with the rise of totalitarian governments in countries such as Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Saudi Arabia, and Iran.Wikipedia

wakeangry.png link to global protests - join and stop the tyranny

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