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Quest: The English Arrr Comin’ (Turn 2)

Avast! Although the Captains have done a fine job in their initial defense, only one of the five British frigates sailin’ on Deadman’s Bay has been destroyed. The four remainin’ vessels have been beaten, bashed, lost many crewmen, and taken heavy damage, but they sail onward.

Maybe it be their loyalty to The Queen, or a boosted morale knowin’ we face the ever loomin’ threat of the encroaching man o’ war, but the attacking Royal Navy has not been deterred. Methinks total annihilation be warranted. Luckily, total annihilation be somethin’ us pirates be quite adept in!

pirate massacre.jpg

Fer those of ye ready to jump in or arrr short on time, here be the rules fer Turn 2.
Keep readin’ afterwad fer a big ol' text wall with the current quest log, details on the remainin’ frigates, and some helpful tips if ye arrr curious.


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Objective: Protect Deadman’s Bay from the invadin’ Royal Navy!


  1. Make a comment or post and describe y’er attack. Tag “@piratedace” somewhere in it.*
  2. One action per player.
  3. Newcomers always be welcome! Ye need not have parrrticipated in Turn 1 to join in the fray.

If ye desire ta do a full post fer y’er turn (like @battleaxe did in her amazing post ( that be great! Just please:

  1. Tag me in it!
  2. Post it IN the Pirate World community page (
  3. Use the “pirateworld” tag as well, if ye don’t mind.


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Here be the quest log from Turn 1 (

Quest Log (Turn 1)
Through the mystical piratedice, we've learned that there only be 5 frigates comin' fer the crackback. That said, they be mighty strong vessels indeed (difficulty 10)!
1. @battleaxe's siren allies waved goodbye to the Scarlet Reign and are scouring the seas fer buried treasure and weapons. What they find remains to be determined.
2. @underground's Maiden's Distress takes advantage of the recon to position herself for a future flanking maneuver.
3. Cap'n Boneapart (@wwwiebe) and The Luckless ram the leadin' frigate, dealin' 1 damage and giving opportunity for the living skeleton's plans ta board the enemy vessel and begin ta swashbuckle (and scare) the limey sailors.
4. @miryam's fleet blindsides the rear of the Queen's fleet under the dead o' night with hit-and-run tactics. That said, it is very dark at night, of course, so most of cannonballs are shot across the bow or stern of the rear ship. Luckily a few shots hit, doin' 4 damage to the confused vessel.
5. @the.partisan.spy in a currently unnamed ship uses his patented "Iron Storm" technique, layin' waste to the front-left frigate of the Royal Naval fleet in a hail of cannonfire. 10 damage. The enemy ship is totally destroyed.
6. @drlobes' Royal Fortune sails straight up the middle of the incoming navy and unleashes 26 cannonballs at the ships. It remains to be seen whether this destroys the ship that Cap'n Boneapart is boarding. His fire is split, doing 4 damage to the the leading ship and 5 to the front-right ship.
7. @battleaxe's sirens return with cutlasses and a treasure chest. Then she turns Scarlet Reign to fire a volley of flaming and poison projectiles at the incoming fleet. The attack does a moderate 3 damage to the middle frigate's hull but kills many of the sailors on the deck.

This means the followin’ fer the Royal Navy frigates:

  1. Leading frigate: 5 HP remains – 1 damage from Boneapart, who is boarding, and 4 damage from Royal Fortune.
  2. Front-left frigate – Destroyed by Iron Storm’s patented “Iron Storm” technique with 10 damage
  3. Front-right frigate – 5 HP remains - 5 damage from Royal Fortune.
  4. Middle frigate – 7 HP remains - 3 damage from Scarlet Reign.
  5. Aft frigate – 6 HP remains - 4 dmg from Miryam's fleet

Of note:

  1. Cap’n Boneapart (@wwwiebe) is boarding the lead frigate to take on the crew in melee combat. They arrrn’t prepar’d fer what they be about ta see on their deck!
  2. The Maiden’s Distress (@underground) is in flanking position. He should probably take this chance to launch an attack!
  3. The Scarlet Reign (@battleaxe) has a treasure chest full of what may be potions. Maybe they be magic?

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Claim y'er very own ship while ye have time!
