Hive Investments: Exploring Opportunities with DVS, BRO, LGN, and LEO Tokens

I've spent the last couple of months monitoring some hive investments I can indulge in that will help me maximize my profile in one way or another, and along the way, I can come across some mind-blowing ones that I feel, if invested in, will bring me interest in the long run, so today I'll be here to share some of my findings with you, and hopefully you'll add some of them to your to-get list as well.

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  • DVS: Dvs is probably one of the most recent and popular tokens that's in high demand presently on Hive. It's a layer two token that, when staked, promises to give the holder an upvote depending on how many they're holding. Bro token, which is one of the most expensive tokens, works the same way, and my goal for now is to hold at least 200 of this token, which could fetch me around a dollar worth of upvote per day. The minimum asking price presently is 1.9 hives.
  • BRO: The Bro token, just like DVS, is a layer two-token token on the hive blockchain. Like I said earlier, it does the same thing DVs are offering and has been in existence a long time before DVs. It also grants an upvote based on how many Bro tokens you hold; the only difference between them is that you don't need to stake your Bro token. Also, Bro is a project by the Man Cave community; Bro is presently listed at 8.9 hives each, and my plan is to add at least 50 to the 110 I presently own.
  • LGN: LGN is another token chaired by the Man Cave community, although it's much different from the Bro token. Unlike Bro, you don't get an upvote from holding it; instead, you get daily dividends from staking it. It's a layer two token on the Hive Blockchain, and it's another means of earning. That's different from the first two listed above. I presently own about 850 of them, and my goal is to have at least 1000 of them.
  • LEO: LEO is the tribe token of the Leo finance community; it's one of the most in-demand tokens in the hive blockchain, and if you're wondering why or how you can earn from holding it, well, the Leo finance team recently changed how they curate posts, and one of the different strategies for their curation is Leo stake base consideration. Of course, the quality of the post would still be considered, but holding much of it also means having more possibility of hive vote value curation and the number of times you can be curated monthly. My plan is to have around 5000 or so as time goes on.

That's about it for now. I hope you get to learn about some of them and make your own thorough findings before investing in them. The aim of every investor is to make a profit, and I hope this one's worked out well for me in the long run.

Thanks so much for your time. Have a wonderful day.

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