My first smartphone

Greetings and happy Sunday all!
This prompt actually took me back to the first time I got a smartphone. Sometimes I sit and remember the phone and I laugh about it with my husband. It was a big moment for me as I was excited, it was like stepping into a new world entirely. Before then, I hadn't used any phone the phone we had then was a small touch phone and it was for everyone because we used it to keep in touch with our parents when they were out.

I got my first smartphone after my SS3 graduation because our parents don't permit phone while we were still in school. It was a techno pop2 pro, it was gotten by my mom, I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. The phone was sleek and shiny, with a big screen that seemed huge compared to my old phone. It was white with a smooth, curved back that fit nicely in my hand, the phone was really portable and I loved it.

When I turned it on for the first time, I was amazed by the bright, colorful screen. It felt like I was holding a mini-computer in my hand. I spent hours exploring all the features, downloading apps, and playing with the camera. It was like having a whole world of possibilities right at my fingertips.

One of the things that struck me was how well connected I was with my friends and family both far and near. I could check my e-mail, browse the internet and use social media anytime and anywhere.

The camera was a particular source of joy for me. Suddenly, I could take high-quality photos (yes, I said high-quality, as at then it was high-quality for me because I didn't know anything about phones) and instantly share them with friends and family.

Images are mine
Learning to use the features on the phone actually took some time as I wasn't used to it. I fumbled with the touchscreen keyboard as I was used to small phone. Gradually, I got used to it and started typing a bit faster.

However, it wasn't all excitement and joy. I also felt a bit anxious about always being reachable and connected. The constant notifications were sometimes distracting, and I had to learn to manage my time and attention better. Despite these small challenges, getting my first smartphone was thrilling as it opened new ways to learn, communicate and entertain myself.

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