There are so many YouTubers that I enjoy watch on YouTube, some of them are: brainjotter, bro shaggi, lasisi, ify's kitchen, Josh2funny, these are just but a few of them. My favorite of them all is Josh2funny.

Image is a screenshot on my phone
Why Josh2funny
What first drew me to his channel was his incredible creativity and ability to come up with original skits and characters that are both utterly ridiculous yet strangely relatable.

Josh2funny is really hilarious, his facial expression when he gets on stage is really funny, his dressing, even his voice really makes me laugh. He is really talented. He has so many YouTube videos which I watch whenever I feel down, watching him just brightens my mood. Some of his video are fastest cook in the world, best dancer in the world. It's so funny that he thinks he is the fastest at everything and also the best at everything.

I would have picked one of his videos as my favorite skit of his but I can't because all of his skits are always funny, you can't be sad and watch his skit and still remain sad,it's not possible.

Beyond just being wildly funny, Josh2funny seems like a genuinely good person. He treats his fans with so much respect and appreciation. You can tell he really cares about his audience and wants to entertain us while also using his platform for positive messaging. His videos avoid mean-spirited or offensive humor and simply aim to make people laugh and feel good.

I also admire Josh's incredible work ethic and consistency. He uploads multiple videos per week, every single week, without fail. The amount of creativity and effort he puts into constantly generating fresh, high-quality comedy content is truly impressive. Whenever I'm having a rough day, I can count on Josh to cheer me up with a brand new video.

For all these reasons - his unmatched creativity, amazing comedic chops, admirable positive mindset, incredible work ethic, and the profound impact he's had on me - Josh2funny is far and away my favorite YouTuber. I am grateful he shares his gift for making people laugh with the world. He has brought me immense happiness.

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