I Cherished The Christmas Season A Lot. #iucontest 05

The #indiaunited community contest is here again. Like every other contest on the hive blockchain, I love participating in this contest because it enhances my engagement and activeness in the blockchain. This is my week 5 entry whose prompt is: Your Best Childhood Memories. You can be a part of the engagement using here

When I was much younger, I cherished more of the funfairs and the traditional cultural displays. It has been a while since I relocated from Akwa Ibom to Kwara State. When I was in Akwa Ibom we loved the festive season of Christmas so much.

The Family Reunion

During our December Christmas festival, our family house used to be full of enjoyment. All of my uncle's living outside the village usually come home with their families and we celebrate Christmas together. There was a lot of fun then. These days I don't see people doing those kinds of reunions again. I would always look up to that season then because it used to give me much joy and happiness.


At such times, I used to have many gifts and new dresses from my uncles and aunties. They usually come home bringing something for me to show the spirit of the season. As children those gifts and toys used to make us happy. We will go out to our friends in the neighborhood and show them what new gifts and toys our uncles and aunties had brought for us.

Sharing Together

In the village, there used to be food sharing during that season. I so much loved and valued this attribute. But sadly, we are losing most of these good cultural values due to the increase of evil and wickedness among the people. People don't cook food and share with neighbors and relatives these days. The spirit of boxing (which was gift sharing) had died out of our culture.
My grandfather used to pack the cooked food with soft drinks and would ask me to go and deliver them to those families surrounding us. Those families in turn would send their own. That was a sharing together I love.

Traditional Cultural Displays

For about a week, there used to be cultural displays in the village cultural center. We would go there to watch several displays of cultural dances and masquerades. That too was great fun and entertainment.

Christmas is a season in which memories keep lingering in my mind. Those times used to come with joy and happiness to the children. It is just a pity that the world has evolved so much that we are losing the things we used to cherish.
Thank you for your time in reading.

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