Hive, The Best Social Network To Me. #iucontest 3

Hello friends and family in the hive blockchain and the #indiaunited community. I am pleased to be a part of this platform. Talking about my best moments on hive, I will just want to clearly tell you that every one of my moments on hive has been a pleasant one.

When I discovered hive blockchain blockchain, I discovered a good platform for beneficial engagement. I have heard and known other platforms but my experience in the hive blockchain seems different. Very much different.

There Is Motivation

The hive blockchain has a great sense of motivation for me. It makes me wants to do more. The availability of monetary rewards cannot be ignored. We all understand that the driving force of every life activity is the gains and profits we are able to get from it. I appreciate the mentality of making hive a platform that gives these tokens of monetary rewards.

The motivation on hive blockchain goes beyond the upvotes we received to me. I feel as if I am in the real world with loving and caring friends when I am on the Blockchain. The way people respond to each other's posts and share insights makes it an enjoyable family.


I don't know how many people have discovered this. To me I cherish the Blockchain because there are several knowledge based data. There are several contents without useful and meaningful information for learning about almost everything in life. I am learning a lot and I am enjoying the lessons. Initially, I read people's posts so that I will be able to make comments. Now I am reading to receive information and to learn new things. I have spotted some authors whom I must read their contents. I watch out for when they will post because they always give me what to digest and apply to my real life.


I am relatively new on the blockchain (not up to a year) but I have enjoyed this Blockchain so much that I practically ignore other social media. Hive in itself is one of the best experiences of my life as a growing youth. Hive has reordered my priority and taught me productive engagement. Thanks to the developers of this blessing packed platform.

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