A Little Payment Meant A Lot. #iucontest 07

The world is ruled by selfishness. Everyone strives to get more and secure as much as he/she can to satisfy his/her longing. It is rare to see true and sincere acts of kindness. Wherever kindness is exhibited, it is an express act of love from a loving heart.

To see people doing acts of kindness these days isn't easy. There are many factors that affect the way people render acts of kindness these days. The economic impact on some countries has made many people, who literally would have been good, become selfish. The availability of limited resources and the rate of hunger due to high inflation have made sharing (which is also an act of kindness) difficult.

But, in all these we still have acts of kindness. The excuse that things are hard hasn't been a hindrance to those who are willing. There are expressions of love and care all over the world. Many hungry children are still being fed by kind hearts. The helpless are still receiving help from helping hands. Kindness can't be stopped by situations. It is the heart and the willingness of the mind that determine whether a person can offer an act of kindness or not.

This post is in response to the prompt by @indiaunited for the week 7 of the #iucontest. The theme for this week is ACTS OF KINDNESS. The link to the contest is here

A Kind Heart Made The Payment

I once witnessed an act of kindness. It might not be such a huge thing, but it was an express act of kindness. A man in our community wanted to get a solar power system. The solar system was such a need for them because they had no electricity. The safety of that environment isn't guaranteed in the night without light. This is because snakes and scorpions from the surrounding bush usually walk around at night.

When the solar installation company came, the man was not able to afford the down payment needed before the system was to be installed for them. He did not have the money at the moment because he just moved into the newly built house and had spent every penny on him to get the house fit to move in.

Surprisingly, the agent of the solar company offered to make the payment for him. That was a shock to him. “Why would you do that? You are supposed to make your commission from the installation. Now are you going to sacrifice your gain and then pay for me?” It was a great act of kindness to the person. It is a story he keeps telling people who come to him.

That act of kindness meant a lot for the man’s family. Through that he didn't miss the opportunity of acquiring such a good and useful solar system. At the moment that solar system has inflated more than four times the price at then. Besides, it has a larger capacity than most of the ones around.

I learnt from that act that whenever I have the opportunity, I should do good to others.

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