Relaxing & Singing The Songs in Karaoke and Playing in Rising Star Game (or) My 444 NFT Cards Day of Rising Star...!

Hello to all members on Hive Blockchain Platform.

I would like to share you about Relaxing & Singing the songs in Karaoke and Playing in Rising Star Game (or) My 444 NFT Cards Day of Rising Star.

This is me , my wife and my friend were singing the music in Karaoke.
It was last 4 months ago.


(Please watch this video from the source button.I don't know why this video is not available and may be some weak wifi signal when I made this video.)

The last 4 months ago,We were going to the swimming pool with our children.We need to take a relax with family as a day trip.At first,We are eating and drinking beside of the swimming pool.And then we were swimming with our children.Our children were so happy and swimming a lot.


After swimming and relaxing,we were continued to A Restaurants with Karaoke.My wife is so interesting to sing the songs.Her hobbies are singing and dancing.
So we went to the restaurant and rented a family Karaoke room.It costed 65000 for 1 hours.It is just for room renting cost and not included drinking and eating foods.
We sang many songs especially my wife and my friend.
They were singing many songs.
I sang two or three songs in there.
We took and rented Karaoke room about 9 hours for singing Karaoke room.

We started singing at 13:00(P.M) in the afternoon and we finished 22:00 (P.M) in the night.
We costed all about 10 lakhs for renting room ,drinking and eating in the restaurant.

This is some of our singing video in the Karaoke especially my wife's singing and my friend.My niece took this music video in the Karaoke.

They are so happy and so active singer in the Karaoke.
My wife so happy and we are so happy in there.

We came back to home in the late night.

My 444 NFT cards Day in Rising Star Game...!

I am playing in Rising Star Game today.
I like to play Rising Star Game because I like the music.
I played 3 missions this morning.
And then I bought 3 NFT cards pack in Rising Star.
I got all luck cards today.

"R381 NV 420x" is Instrument rare card and the other two cards are Instrument common cards.
These are "i171 TP2 Interface" and "i176 Black Tuba".

"R381 NV 420x" has 50 luck.
"i171 TP2 Interface" has 5 luck and "i176 Black Tuba" has 1luck.
The total luck amounts are 56 luck from buying today.
Today's buying is not so good.

I finished 6 missions today.
Now,I am playing Radio Studio Session mission.

I owned 444 NFT cards in Rising Star Game today.So I wanted to record about 444 NFT cards in Rising Star Game.
It was very easy to remember.
So I called Today is Triple 4 NFT Card Day (or) Playing in Rising Star.
I used this letter for title of my post.

My Ego% is 3% the same yesterday.
My Rank is 1153 today.It is a little up to compare yesterday's rank.

Rising Star is my favourite blockchain game.

Good luck.

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