A Famous Hip Hop Singer - Songwriter,Actor & Model and Playing in Rising Star Game...!

Hello to all members on Indiaunited Community.

I would like to share you about A Famous Hip Hop Singer - Songwriter ,Actor & Model and Playing in Rising Star Game.

I did not publish any post the last two days on Hive Platform because I was so busy with my jobs.
I just only upvoted and comments to all my friends.

I credited this photo link address is...

The name of famous Hip Hop singer is Ye' Lay.
He is a famous singer and actor of my country - Myanmar.Most of the youths liked his songs.He sang very well and released many songs.Most of the songs are hip hop and these are all nice.So he is a unique singer.

I chose two of his songs today.
The name of the first song is Tell Me Your Love.
This is a nice song and a famous one of his songs.The song music is nice.And his dancing was including in the song.It was more nice for the song.

The meaning of this song is >>> Your smiles were coming into my heart. I was afraid to say you with my true love. I was a lonely on the road with many thinkings. You are away but near me.You are not seeing my loves. When do you still and when is it? Give me the answer and I don't want to late. What kind of the answer for me? These are all you don't know.
Tell me your love...let say to me about your secret loves.
Tell me your love...When is it because of my unuseful loves for you.
If you need anything,I stayed near you. I loved you with many worries.
Tell me your love...I hope the speaking of your mounth.
Tell me your love...although you are winning because of my unuseful loves for you.
If you need anthing,I stayed near you. I loved you with many worries.
I was a slicent by ignoring of my all things. Anyone do not compared to your eyes.Later, you don't know my loves. You take a break for secreting.
That I was so feeling and wanted to listen...!!!!

(I credited Tell Me Your Love song by Ye' Lay from youtube.)

The name of the second song is Shi Nay Pay Par.
This is a nice song.Most of the people liked his song and I liked this song.The song music is nice.His singing style is nice.

The meaning of this song is >>> I don't anyone and just wanted you to stay near me. One day...Are you boring me?...when my sucessful things were disappearing. Please come and stay near me whenever I was the weakness as depressions. You stay with me before.
I wanted to say you with my thinkings. Please listen to me about my feeling. You are the only one of listening of my speaking that I continue my future way without believeing. I was not distressed with my thinkings and dreamings. I cannot use as you had a car and your phones...I had not owned many as a rich. You knew my audiences looking to me. I had a microphone that is my power if I liked. I am still trying and findind my poems day by day.
If the audiences don't know about me,my successful is decreasing as a disappearing.
When nobody to see me,let stay with me.
I don't want anyone,come and stay with me. One day...Are you boring me?...when my successfuls were disappearing...!!!!

(I credited Shi Nay Pay Par song by Ye' Lay from youtube.)

I was playing in Rising Star Game today.

I played some of my favourite missions in game yesterday and before yesterday.
I finished some missions taday.

Last night,I bought 12 NFT cards pack in game by using 100000 STARBIS.
I got 36 cards from buying 12 card pack.
But I shared the first 3 cards of buying 12 NFT pack today.

These 3 cards are all instrument luck cards below...
(1)R416 Ancient Harp
It is a rare instrument card.I got 50 luck from this rare card.

(2)i154 Chime Bar
It is a common instrument card.I got 10 luck from it.

(3)i188 BK Aqua GT
It is a common card and I got only 1 luck from this card.

Now I am playing Radio Studio Session mission in game.
My Ego% is 0 at the moment.
My game level is 129 in game today.
I did not get any reward card from doing special mission - Halloween 2023.

Rising Star Game is my favourite Play-To-Earn Blockchain Game.

Good Luck...!

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