The things I do in my free time

Free time is something I really look forward to. With all the stress and work that characterizes our daily lives, it's refreshing to have that period of time where you do something relaxing, fun and not work related. I can't really pick just one thing I do in my free time, but I will talk about a few.

One of the main things I do in my free time is to watch movies. I'm a huge movie fan. I have been for as long as I can remember. Watching movies is a means of relaxation for me. During some weekends, I end up binge watching movies, depending on how stressful the week was.

I love a wide variety of movies but I'm a really big fan of SciFi movies. They excite me a lot. As long as a movie is good, and it contains my favorite movie stars, I'm watching it to the end.

I love movies that keep me in suspense and shock. Movies with plot twists that one would never expect. The kind of movies that keeps me on the edge of my seat. Those are the kinds of movies I'm usually excited about and I love to watch during my free time to relax.

The second thing I usually do in my free time is gaming. Playing games is hobby of mine I developed since I was a kid. I play several kinds of games ranging from soccer to combat and even adventure games. Gaming most times can be so captivating that I forget my worries for that moment.

Gaming is even more fun when you play it with friends or family. The competitiveness, the desire to win, all add to the fun. Most times, after work, I play soccer games with my friends and I think it makes us bond more. We laugh and relieve stress as we try to beat each other in the game.

The third thing I do in my free time is listening music. I've heard people say that music is medicine and I can affirm to that. I can't imagine what life would be like without music. Music has the capacity to impact one's mood. Music can make you sad, happy, excited, energetic or motivated. When I need to relax, I play some slow, cool relaxing music and it does the magic.

Listening to music by may favorite artists, or to my favorite songs just puts me in a good mood. I've seen first hand hoe people go from sad to energetic and happy, just because a song cane on. That's the power of music.

Images are screenshots from my phone

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