My Favourite Season

For a girl from Nigeria, the rainy season is the best. This is the time of year when the intense heat finally breaks and everything takes on a delightful freshness. I can't help but look forward to those first few drops, which mark the beginning of my favorite season.


I can sense the excitement growing as soon as those dark clouds sweep in. The expectation of rain fills the air, giving it an earthy fragrance. It appears as though the natural world is holding its breath, anticipating the start of the downpour. When does it happen, then? Total happiness.

I love to hear the soft patter of rains hitting the roof when I wake up. It's the ideal soundtrack for lazy mornings spent watching my favorite series on Netflix or cuddling up with a nice book. I have the ideal excuse to take it slow thanks to the rain: there's no hurry to run outside into the intense heat.

Do not misunderstand; rainy days don't always mean staying inside. Venturing outside in a little drizzle feels extremely liberating. After months of intense sun, the cool mist feels great on my skin. I enjoy seeing how the streets come to life with the vibrant umbrellas swaying in the breeze, the puddles reflecting the surroundings, and the pleasant sound of my rain boots hitting the water.

Our scenery is also altered by the wet season. The dry, dusty ground absorbs the moisture, and everything appears to become verdant and lush almost instantly. Our surrounds have been revitalized with brilliant vitality, as if someone has flicked a switch. Even the air feels cleaner and fresher, and the plants in our compound come alive.

It's not all romance and poetry, of course. There are a lot of difficulties during the wet season. Getting around may be a nightmare on flooded streets, and the humidity can seriously damage my hair (hello, frizz!). But to be honest? Any day, I'll take those small inconveniences over the oppressive heat that comes beforehand.

The drop in temperature is a welcome relief. I no longer have the sensation of melting immediately when I step outside. I no longer have to wipe perspiration off my brow all the time or feel as like I need to take three baths a day to feel human. Rather than rushing to the nearest air-conditioned building, I can truly enjoy being outside.

Another pleasure for me is the clothing of the rainy season. The tucked-away comfortable sweaters, elegant boots, and adorable raincoats come out. It's an opportunity to experiment with accessories and layers that are simply too stuffy in the summer. Plus, stomping through puddles in brightly colored wellies is quite fulfilling and always makes me feel like a kid again.

The season also brings a shift in our daily routines. Family dinners feel cozier, with the sound of rain providing a soothing backdrop to our conversations. Weekend plans often become more intimate – game nights, movie marathons, or just gathering around to share stories. It's a time for connection and comfort.

I can't talk about the rainy season without mentioning the food. Suddenly, hot soups and stews become irresistible again. There's nothing quite like warming up with a steaming bowl of pepper soup or sipping on a mug of hot chocolate while the rain taps against the window. Street vendors adjust their offerings too – hot roasted corn and warm puff-puff become the perfect rainy day snacks.

The rainy season also brings a certain nostalgia. It reminds me of childhood days spent jumping in puddles, making paper boats to sail down the gutters, and the excitement of unexpected days off school when the rains were particularly heavy. Those memories add an extra layer of joy to each rainstorm.

Sure, some people might complain about the inconveniences of the rainy season. But for me, it's a time of renewal, of slowing down, and of appreciating the simple pleasures. It's a reminder that even in the midst of our busy lives, nature has its own rhythm that we can choose to sync with.

Every year as the rainy season draws near, I can't help but feel excited. Not only are lower temperatures physically comforting, but there's also an energetic change, a chance to start over, and a chance to observe our familiar surroundings with newfound clarity after a downpour.

So bring on the rain, even a little bit of it, and the thunderstorms. I'll be here, ready to enjoy every second of my favorite season, rain boots at the ready. Rainy days, after all, possess a unique type of charm that is unmatched by other seasons of the year.

My entry to the indiaunited contest, find the link to the post Here

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