IndiaUnited Weekly Contest #7: Theme - "Acts of Kindness"

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Theme: Acts of Kindness

Tell us about a time where you witness or performed an Act of Kindness. Whether it's a simple gesture or a grand act, the stories reminds us to stay positive and help fellow beings without expecting anything in return.

Most times when we think of helping others, we think only of financial assistance but it's way more than that. A helping hand, a smile, a shoulder to lean on, listening to, and encouraging others, could be worth much more than we can ever know, no monetary value can be placed on these. These are priceless acts and nothing can quantify the fulfilment that comes with such selflessness. And I also have come to understand that true riches is not in the size of your wallet but in the happiness you give to people around you.

Years back, my Mom was admitted into the hospital and I had rushed home from school because of the scare. When I was leaving about a week before, she was very strong, with no signs of pain or weakness.
I was by her side in no time and was staying in the hospital, with her.

Then on the second evening, a young guy of about the same age bracket with me was rushed into the hospital, from the noise and movements, I knew it was for something big.

It was the next morning, I realized his kidneys were failing and he had been on dialysis off and on, a fine and young guy who had graduated top of his class from one of the prestigious universities in my country. Suddenly, so suddenly, his health took a devastating turn. I walked into his room when I heard the sound of soft weeping from the woman whom I later knew to be his Mom.

His name was Tobe and immediately I set my eyes on him, I prayed that this one would make it, for the sake of his Mom. As I prayed, I reached out for his hands, he held my hand in a grip, as if pleading with my prayers, to work for him. In his eyes I saw a frantic struggle to stay alive against all odds. His' was a very bad case and he needed a transplant ASAP but they didn't have enough money to make it happen. They were hoping for a miracle perhaps.

My Mom was okay and discharged three days later but I kept coming back to the hospital in my spare time to see Tobe. He was a good guy and didn't deserve what was happening to him, he looked forward to my visits, then he would share his dreams and aspirations, how he always wanted to work so hard to build a house for his Mom, how he wanted to get married and have three kids, two boys and a girl, how he wanted to pursue his hobby in photography and tour the world, taking pictures....sighs.

But he was loosing the battle, he was fighting against time and things really got worse and a week later, Tobe 'my guy', as I fondly called him was dead. I felt the need to be by his side because I felt all sorts of emotions, he held my hand and struggled against an imposing enemy, he didn't want to die, his digestive system was shutting down and dialysis was no longer working, damn! I have never seen anything quite like it. He just slipped into coma and that was it! He never made it out alive. What a World!

This is so emotional for me right now! Tobe my guy, I hope you are resting well!

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