Let's Call On Books Again 🤗

By now I believe a few who have come across my blog know all about the best part of the day for me, coming back home with a check mated flashy day gives me access to my books.

Since the moment i submitted to the habit of dealing with all works both online and offline and rewarding myself with a “book” for a few hours had been a great help in tackling procrastination from my way.

Let's talk more in our free time. Okay the truth is, after a long day at work normally, what comes in next is relaxation right? Then sleep picks us right there.
Relaxation could be in any form and mine certainly is the “reading form” which could go on for a range of about 5-6 hours on a regular day.

To imagine I am now granted a free day... Jeez it would be an “all night all day reading”. Oh no! I mean no exaggeration in this i promise..lol

I knew myself before overcoming procrastination. It was difficult to get other things done since I spent all day in one spot reading till my tummy rumbled and gravelly stood up to even prepare a meal for myself. These was a difficult moment for me knowing i couldn't let go of books neither could i pay all my attention to it until i found my balance.

Reading doesn't just feel old no matter the genre it is, even while reading probably the “not so interesting book”, my attention would most likely be on the end result which keeps me on and on till the very end.

Aside from books, I find interest in other things like baking (passion) and of course cooking. But cooking is majorly based on population, having a full house inspires me to want to go over the kitchen and cook to the fill and satisfaction of everyone. By the way, I would hardly ever cook if it were just me or my elder brother.. No way..hahaha

In the end, reading books still got the trophy of my heart since I'll eventually go back to it and find refuge in free time or during work days.


Picture Credit is Mine

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