Endurance My Favorite🎉

I got a few friends who found me unbelievably after noticing my nonchalant attitude in regards to popular social media apps having the likes of Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp and others.

Image by natanaelginting on Freepik

Right now, if it were to be a question of my favorite app, I could choose discord and some of my reading apps (watt pad,novel bin) since it's currently my most visited app.
Alright, enough of the going round the table talks, even though I hardly got time to sit and entertain myself with social media troubles, I won't deny the fun that comes with watching funny skits, or other entertaining fills.
And if ever I visit my YouTube app, then be aware that a new trend dance just dropped and am going on a search for Endurance Grand and her crew videos to get the feel of the details.

At that time, you'll have me watching dance videos from others too but most especially from Endurance.
Her love for dancing always has a way of uplifting my mood, even though it’s a once in a time thing, that babe never seems to disappoint.

My love for her made me look through her biography where I discovered that she hails from the southern part of Ghana. Oh that's her dad though. I was happy knowing her mom is from Nigeria, at least my favorite youtuber has a part of her from my country..lol
I also love the fact of her being a tomboy.. Here I might sound ridiculous to you right..haha.. But that's true.

Actually, her tomboy rides were the first thing I was attracted to. I have always wanted to act like one.. Unfortunately I couldn't just fit in so watching her at first drew my interest and then knowing she's a dance lord, oh my! Enduring blew me all the way.
Coming to me, I am not much of a music lover, but oh yes.. I love dancing especially to good beats and that's why at least dance trends is one thing I’m always up to date on even though I am an irregular visitor in the social media world.

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