How I fell in love with sociology... 12 (Karl Marx)

Hello there,

Happy New Year and this year we will kick start our sociology series with a thinker known for his theory and debatable concepts that divided the current world into many nations based on ideologies.

I know half of the world won't like his conclusion but we are sociologists and yeah you are too, since you are reading this as well, so we have to understand his words and why he said so. Without knowing his logic our judgment will not hold as well. So, Sociologist get your gears up, we are going retro today!

Source - Giphy


Born in 1818, Marx lived a below-average life, spending most of his life in misery, drinking. He was not so happy with the economical based stratification i.e. class-based society.

The distinction between rich and poor put him on steroids for many years, and the outcome of the same was many theories!
Das Kapital his book along with well-known theories like

  • Historical materialism,
  • Sub-super structure thesis,
  • Thesis->Anti-thesis->Synthesis,
  • Class-based stratification,
  • Bourgeoisie-proletariat relation,
  • Ownership
  • Evolution of society
  • Means of production, and last but the most effective one
  • Communism! baby!

I know with my last pointer, a few of you might have already achieved your day's high!

Source - Giphy

But don't worry we will understand all of them one by one with the best of precautions! And nobody will fight in the comment section.


Nothing can be the best motivation as the current situation of one's life. Society after rapid industrialization was getting used to the meritocracy and competition began with various inequalities among people, those who were far ahead in the race maintained their gap and those who were behind struggled most of the race.

From Hegel's dialectical approach to Engel's historical understanding, Marx roamed Europe in search of his enlightenment and after learning from the best of available he formed his own set of theories that described the then society.

There are many critics of Marx, who believe that his perspective on communism is both stupid and impossible, but don't worry we will cover present examples where communism is in its absolute terms and how they are doing these days.

Source - Make A Gif

Was he really against capitalism or was he against the bourgeoisie? What was the thing that held communism for this long? Why did few of the nations follow this ideology and the rest went on different paths?
We will know answers to all these questions in the Marx sub-series of "How I fell in love with sociology!"

Oh crap, did I just sound more like a news presenter or a Netflix presenter?

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