How I fell in love with sociology... 6

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In the last blog, we saw how sociology emerged and why it is not considered pure science. Sociology in its nature of research is quite distant from objectivity. And because of less objectivity and more subjectivity in its approach, not many academicians could come on common grounds.

However, it is a relatively new subject and time should be given to let it develop at its pace. If other science or social science subjects can answer, why would there have been any reason for the existence of sociology, it exists and hence we must also understand its importance. Let's compare sociology with other subjects.

Run sociology run
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Sociology and History

History is considered as the study of past societies. Although the approach is not to study the evolution of society it still studies the major events of the past. And these major past events somehow influence and shape the present society. Sociology studies and establishes the connecting dots among the events and explains its effects.

After anthropology, we can say that history is the closest subject that overlaps with sociology. Thinkers get data from history and use the same in their research to form concept models for sociology.

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Sociology and Political science

Political science deals with polity, governance, or the state that regulates and maintains the society. Political science emerged well before sociology. For example, Chanakya's book on Administration dates back to 4 BCE. But in the present society, rights and privileges given to different section is quite complex and hard to establish.

Hence, sociology plays the part of PA that suggests, advises, and serves its research for better functioning of society and policies. Without sociology, political science would not be as dynamic as it is at present and would be plagued by its staticness and non-implications.

Without sociology, the effects of political science would be merely objective rather than empathizing and creating democratic policies that cover both majority and minority.

Effectiveness of present politics
Source - Imgur

Sociology and Economy

They are like distant brothers living on either side of the USA but they remain in touch. They both are waiting to claim supremacy over each other for nothing. Sociology has an upper edge here by clarifying that without effective wealth distribution policies, the society and economy of the country are going nowhere but for another clash.

In the roots of sociology, this concern has been revisited again and again. It is the economy and the will to control the economy that has created present classes and stratification.

Source - gifer
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