Visited A Village Fair

Hello friends
Well come to my blog

Yestarday I was visiting a little villgae fair. Sorrowfully, there was noting for the boys but beautifull girls. At every corner I could find only cosmetics lol.. Girls use ornaments for getting attracted and the boys fall for the trap. This little village fair is a perfect example for it. I'll call it a cosmetics show!! You will get to know it soon.

This is the beautiful high way beside the village and the village fair was not far from the high way.

This is the entrance. This a very little village fair in Dhatrigram,West Bengal, India. There were only a few rides for the kids

Time for cosmetics show:
The shops were really attractive. There were thousands of very well degined ornamets for girls in different shops.But I only captured a few of them from different stalls.

Some shops had utensil made with plastic and steel and some had a few kids items like transformer - cars , bikes etc.

People started gathering at thr fair. We were early to visit it. There will more people to attend it soon.

People are brought for Tasha. The musical Instrument people look to play is called Tasha. They are playing it and dancing at the same time. They were spred in different group in different part of the fair premises.

Food items: Three or four food items are common at every fair in West Bengal. First Jilabi, then Gaja, Fried Nuts and futchka(goalgappa)

This are jilabis , check how they cook it.

Ground nuts 🥜🥜, both raw and fried

Three types of Gaja:

This is panipuri / golgappa / puchka , different regional names for the same item. Chect how it looks

The puchkas are not looking colourful 😂 but It's taste are. We tested some. It is sour, pungent and very spicy 🥵🥵

There were a huge function next day. Some celebrety gonna come tomorrow but unfortunately I have come back home while I am writing about it. It would be better to attend it.

I spent there three days and captured thousands of photos of different village stuffs. I'll share them in next posts. That's the end for now.🤓

Thank you so much for stpoing by.

I hope you liked it very much.

Good day

Regards: @th4488

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