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A few curation notes for new writers

I am a curator for Neoxian city paper and India United.
So, what? You may ask.
As a curator, I have a few tips to share regarding writing on Hive and earning upvotes.

A few days back, I had written down points for the members of India United. I wish to share those with all on Hive as well. Another person did ask me whether he could share it as well and I agreed but I too would like to write all this down myself as well and it pertains to everyone who is starting to blog on Hive.

When a new person joins Hive to blog and earn money, he/she does actually look at the trending page and sees the payout of the posts that got the most votes. Obviously, it will be high. Expecting such a high payout, A, for example, starts writing a blog. Ten minutes pass but there is no upvote. So, A starts to fidget. Soo, the fidgeting transforms into despair and sometimes self-pity. After a few more blogs and the resulting 0.02 upvote or even less, A leaves Hive and searches online for paid-to-write blogs, and online earning sites and is led to blogs written by people who get money from Google AdSense. They advise A to write on word press or hub pages and slave for peanuts.

Then one day, A meets a fellow countryman and gets to know that there are groups on Discord that support hive bloggers. A jumps into one such group and asks - where should I dump my link? I cannot access Post promotion. Soon, he learns that post-promotion is not the only feature of that group. A has to be active on that discord, interact and also participate in the activities in order to earn that post-promotion feature.

Slowly, A learns how to do that and after interacting with other bloggers on Hive, gets small upvotes on his blog which further encourages him to write more.

Then one day, he notices people who write certain niche blogs get more upvotes and he wants that for himself too. Well, one thing that A does not realize is that success is not earned in a day. Patience, consistency, and hard work have to walk along A in order to reach that point where he can boast of earning all those Hive and HBD's and even help others along the way.

Given below are the tips that I wrote on India United

  • Never give them any reason to downvote you
    Always check your blog in plagiarism checker before you post especially if it contains facts and figures

  • Use images of your own whenever possible
    Otherwise use pixabay and such
    and source it even if they say it is free to download

  • Please do not tag any person unnecessarily
    This will invite unwanted attention and downvotes probably.

  • Please make sure to write a minimum of a 500-word post
    You can always write about things that you know
    Then it will be easier like local stuff
    or about what you are studying or working with

  • Make sure you write about what you know well.
    Otherwise, it will not get a vote and also could get downvotes
    Use proper tags only

  • Please do not refer friends who are not familiar with internet rules in
    general and who think that it is only fair to copy or rewrite and create
    duplicate content

I want to stress some points that we cannot get hive rich in a day. So, just be patient, calm and write and interact. That is the only way out. we have to reach out and be polite and try to engage with what the post is all about. Just leaving a comment like - NICE POST' will get an instant downvote and be flagged. Also, never think some are doing well, so why not me? It is all about spending years here and then gaining the trust and respect of others which you won't get if you do not spend it here. Either you spend all your time here on hive and discord or else nothing at all.

The above was written by me on India United discord. I granted permission to Sayu to write about it. I also requested @bhattg to write a version in Hindi so that those who do not understand English very well can read it. I am not sure there are many from other states in the south who do not understand English or Hindi. So, other language translation is not necessary.

Please feel free to add points that I may have missed. You are also free to use the comment section to interact regarding these.

Disclaimer - I am still not an expert on hive. This was written for the sake of new users.

image created with pixabay free image and imgflip meme creator