Terracore old frontend is permanently closed, Here is how access the working frontend!

Terracore is one of the games I started playing last year and initially it had a frontend that is now closed permanently. That frontend was more like a gaming frontend where there were few animations though it was very loaded. That means it use to take a lot of time for functioning and that is where a lighter version of the game with a new frontend and same features was shared with people. I myself use that one since the day I got to know about it and you can see and visit the same by clicking the below image.

Above pic will work as a joining link to those who want to join though there are hardly any new player joining the game anymore but still I have shared it in case anyone new reaches this blog and feels to join the game in 2024. By the way I was talking about the closing of the old frontend and that is when I tried to reach out that old frontend. I saw that it was closed as you can see in the screenshot below that when I open that frontend then I see something like that.

That means the domain is no longer available with terracore team. Which one do you used when you were playing terracore or are you still playing terracore. I am waiting for some new games to hit hive blockchain so that I stop playing this one, I will write very few blogs on it or maybe give my account to someone who is interested in playing the game. A scholar system can bring life to terracore once again but that is not coming in the game anytime soon.

Thank you

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